
From We Are All Pokémon Trainers
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General Info

Species: Tyranitar

Gender: Male

Nature: Relaxed

Ability: Sand Stream

Obtained: Spitfire Valley

Ball: Ultra Ball

Name Basis: Ancient Greek Hero of the Trojan War.

Basic History

While traveling towards Unova, Dune had heard rumors that a large Tyranitar in the region was guarding the entrance to an ancient underground city. Dune followed these rumors and eventually found and caught the odd Tyranitar, whom he named Ajax, only to find that the only thing he was guarding was a small cave with some random human baubles in the back. Ajax is strangely eloquent for a Tyranitar, and sometimes waxes philosophical at inappropriate times. He has taught himself to read over the course of his adventures with Dune, and is attempting to teach Rill and Selene as well. While his mother is mostly a mystery to him, he was raised by his biological father, an Aggron. Has a mysterious grudge against certain Dragon-Types.

Dune's Team
On Hand : Galvani462Mini.pngRill260Mini.pngAlisaie029Mini.png*Kars050aMini.pngSvarog157Mini.png
With The Stormchaser : Garuda561Mini.pngBig Dom623Mini.png*Selene036Mini.pngAjax248Mini.pngHildr232Mini.pngCun Annwn508Mini.pngFlanagan553Mini.pngChamploo448Mini.pngVega530Mini.pngAnja549Mini.pngLaharl697Mini.pngFlonne699Mini.pngZeus618Mini.pngCandace169Mini.pngEos303Mini.pngEtna136Mini.pngAlexandrine328Mini.png
Boxed: None
As last seen in: Entralink Arc