Saura is Owen Edmundson's Aurorus, and the sixth Pokemon he caught on his initial journey, as well as the fifth he revived from a fossil and the last of the original Jura6.
In her mon form, Saura resembles a regular Aurorus, albiet one with a nigh-constant look of drowsiness on her face. Her eyes are often seen either closed or half-open, and she is sometimes seen carrying a Poke Doll to sleep with as though it's a stuffed animal. However, after her evolution into an Aurorus, her penchant for staying awake more often means that she is subsequently seen with her eyes fully open more and more often.
In her human form as an Amaura, Saura appears as an approximately 10-year-old Black Galarian (see Trivia) girl, and aside from Stipax is the youngest and shortest member of the Jura6. She has long, mainly blue hair with pink at the tips, and wears a blue short-sleeved shirt, blue jeans, and blue shoes with white socks. Befitting her nature, she is often seen wearing a comfy blue, pink, and yellow blanket around her neck similarly to a cape that she sleeps in. Like her mon form, she has a nigh-constant look of drowsiness on her face, and is frequently seen with her eyes shut. Like in her mon form, she retains a stuffed animal-- that being an orange teddy bear.
In her current human form, as an Aurorus (prospective name Destiny Bell, see below), Saura appears as an approximately 24-year-old Black Galarian, having moved up significantly in the age range and now being the fourth youngest of the Jura6 after Crina, Teryx, and Stipax in that order. Her hair is now either mostly pink with yellow at the tips or mostly yellow with pink at the tips, and is styled in twintails. Her outfit consists of a light blue short-sleeved undershirt with a much darker jacket over top of it, as well as a dark blue skirt that varies in length, dark blue leggings or jeans, and dark blue boots. Her outfit is decorated with white colored shoulder pads, kneepads, and elbow pads. She often has a snowflake barette in her hair, but will sometimes have another barrette in it, and she no longer has a nigh-constant look of drowsiness. She keeps her fluffy orange teddy bear from her Amaura stage.
Personality and characteristics
Previously the youngest member of the Jura6 and the final member of said group to be caught by Owen, Saura is nothing if not a constant narcoleptic-- at least, on the surface. Most, if not all of her time on-screen is spent sleeping, as well as much of her time offscreen. In fact, in the original Jura6 conversation on Hasslemon, Saura was the only one to not be introduced, as she was too busy sleeping in her PokeBall. As an Amaura, she was known to sleep through battles, through important conversations (such as the arrival of Team Lightning), and the like without a care in the world, and only awoke if she felt rested enough or if she felt as though it was absolutely necessary to do so (or if something startled her, which is what happened at the Devon Corp presentation shortly after Team Lightning made their presence known). While on the surface this makes her seem like nothing more than a lazy bum, in actuality she is the most kindhearted and sane members of the entire team alongside Chasmo-- a trait that she did keep from her time back when she was initially alive. Whenever she is awake, she is always willing to do things such as give sage advice to a team member or comfort Teryx whenever he is panicking about something. In fact, the first time we see her awake, it's so that she can comfort Teryx about what he thinks is a cruel experiment about to happen by matter-of-factly pointing out that it's in fact just a stage. Later on, and following her evolution, she continues to give advice to her fellow team members, especially Teryx. She seemed to be particularly saddened by his release from the team as a result of him attacking Tyrie and Rhamphor, though unlike Stipax and Chasmo- who actually wished Teryx luck- Saura's response was instead a sad hum of acceptance. That being said, however, she immediately agreed to come along with the rest of the Jura5 once Stipax announced his plan to them over Hasslemon. Later on, upon meeting Teryx again, Saura was just as shocked as the rest of the group was upon hearing Teryx's backstory, and was able to deduce him having PTSD relatively easily after Nautilu's explanation. Even besides Teryx, however, Saura serves as an advisor of sorts to the rest of the team, with Stipax arguably being the one she interacts with the most. She was the member of the team who advised Stipax to not leave his makeshift umbrella behind on their way to finding Teryx, citing the fact that Route 115 has constant rain. Saura is also among the most relaxed team members- not letting battles faze her all that much due to her being able to tank a lot of hits and also due to her Rest and Sleep Talk strategies- and generally is a relatively chill-natured individual (no pun intended). She is also very much well aware of the futility of life, and while her constant sleeping seems like laziness, it's actually the exact opposite: it's her working as hard as she can to catch up on all the sleep she missed while she was alive (see "Background" for more on this). As a result, when she is awake, Saura reveals herself to be a fairly hard worker... albeit one who seems to have no stresses whatsoever. She not only does her absolute best to try and win battles for Owen- as was seen in particular during her battle against Maylene's Breloom in Veilstone, when she tanked all of Breloom's hits despite every move of hers being supereffective against Saura- but she also uses that time when awake to get full clarity of a situation in front of her-- it was only after she was awake, for example, that she was able to fully grasp the extent of the damage Team Lightning was doing.
As an Amaura, and as a result of her being the youngest member of the Jura6, Saura was also slightly naive, albiet she didn't show it as much as the then-second-youngest member of the team, Stipax. She often didn't fully comprehend what was happening in front of her (in particular, she didn't seem to recognize there was anything wrong at first with Team Lightning, and practically refused to wake up from her naps), and while it has yet to be stated outright onscreen, she firmly believed that sleeping so much was a good thing due to the circumstances surrounding her death. She also was the weakest member of the group in terms of general battle prowess, as she doesn't really like conflict that much and only battles if she deems it to be necessary. Upon her evolution into an Aurorus after Veilstone, however, while much of Saura's personality has stayed the same, a lot of it has changed, most notably her constant narcolepsy. Saura is now far more willing to stay awake often, something that shocked the rest of the Jura5 upon them realizing it; Stipax directly questioned it and Crina, naturally, assumed immediately that there was a bug in Saura's brain that was preventing her from sleeping for hours on end as per the usual. In actuality, however, and as Saura herself explained, this is in part due to her gaining a larger form and in part due to her actively achieving evolution-- something that she never got to go through in her past life prior to being revived by Owen. Once she evolved into an Aurorus, Saura felt as though the sleep she had missed out on in the past was now far easier for her to make up, and as such stopped sleeping nigh-constantly. Due to this, she is now able to better showcase other sides of her personality. Aside from being a sage advisor to the rest of the group, she now also is able to further pursue her two biggest interests (see below), as well as a much better skill in the heat of battle and even a bit of a playful side from time to time. That being said, though, her Hasslemon handle remains drowsyBorealis (DB) for a reason, as she still very much has a tendency to sleep outside of battle and decidedly sleeps far more hours at night than the rest of the Jura6 do. Due to her nigh-constant sleep patterns, Saura often daydreams as well, and most of her daydreams that she ends up having are absolutely bizarre. She will often tell other members of the team about a crazy daydream she had upon waking up from one of her many, many naps, and while she's not as ditzy or silly as Crina is, Saura can still sometimes have her head in the clouds as a result. Ironically enough, Crina herself often gets annoyed by Saura's constant napping and daydreaming, and will sometimes call her daydreams too bizarre even for her, but she and the rest of the team still respect Saura as a thoughtful and kindhearted individual.
That doesn't mean that Saura isn't prone to annoyance, though-- it just takes a long time for her fuse to go off. She stated as such in her first post-evo battle against Crasher Wake's Kingdra, even though Owen couldn't understand her, and it took a while for her to use her only Dragon-type move, Outrage, as a result, making her among the more patient members of the Jura6 alongside Stipax and Chasmo. That being said, though, if Saura ever does get angry, the results are brutal, as Crasher Wake's Kingdra learned the hard way upon finding himself on the receiving end of a Sleep Talk-induced Outrage. She's never lost her cool yet on screen with either her friends or her Trainer, though, so it remains to be seen if her use of Outrage still applies here. However, you can rest assured that one of the ways you can absolutely be sure to make her angry is if you hurt her friends in any regard, in which case she will more or less completely annihilate you. Additionally, Saura has kept her main two interests from back when she was initially alive-- writing and painting. As an Amaura, due to her newly-enduced narcolepsy, she never truly found time to do those things anymore, as she never felt fully rested enough due to her deep regrets about the circumstances surrounding her death. However, after her evolution, it's been implied that she's been able to engage in her biggest interests again. Teryx, in particular, knew enough about this to give Saura a drawing kit for Christmas, a present that Saura greatly appreciated. Speaking of the circumstances regarding Saura's death, she's only ever talked about them once thus far, which was in the Hasslemon chat shortly after Eurypedis, Anomalo, and Cephalo joined the team. All of them were shocked and saddened by it, and she related her regret about it to the rest of the group, as well as the reasoning behind her constant narcolepsy (which no one commented on). Due to all of the above, Saura's naturally been viewed as a bit odd by some of the members of the team, most notably Nautilu, Chasmo, and any new members that join the group (Cephalo in particular noted how odd it was when he first met Saura on Hasslemon). Despite this, however, and in true Saura fashion, she doesn't let this get to her at all. In battle, Saura has slowly grown into her own as a competent fighter on the team. However, true to her nature, she mainly relies on her defenses to get things done in battle, particularly using her narcolepsy to her advantage: she knows Rest, which she uses to fully heal her HP and put her to sleep whenever she's in a pinch, and Snore, which due to her Ability Refrigerate is now an Ice-type move and can be used while she's asleep in order to attack the opponent and catch them completely off-guard. She also is able to use Sleep Talk in order to use other moves during battle that could end up catching the opponent off-guard as a result. If she's not dozing off due to Rest or her desire to catch up on all the sleep she missed while alive, though, her main strategy is to use Powder Snow and Icy Wind to deliver as much Ice type damage as she possibly can. Upon her evolution into an Aurorus, this strategy of hers has expanded to include other Ice-type moves, as well as inflicting status conditions onto Pokemon (mainly freezing and paralysis). The second strategy was used in particular to help take down Wake's Kingdra, via the use of a paralysis inducing Body Slam.
Her favorite musical artist, according to Goldenheart388, is Owl City, and her favorite Gamecube game is Riddle Snake.
Prior to her revival and capture by Owen, Saura was quite the opposite of what she would later on become-- at least, in terms of her sleep habits. She lived a quiet and peaceful life with her Aurorus parents, and enjoyed watching the Northern Lights with them (naturally) as well as meditating near the lake near her home. She also enjoyed painting and writing, and was very often seen doing so in her spare time. Unfortunately, she did it almost all the time, since she loved it so much. Her parents urged her to get some sleep, but every time she tried to, she found that her mind was too caught up in her thoughts to focus on sleeping. As a result, she was chronically sleep-deprived, and often would stumble around her home in a tired stupor while claiming to her parents that she was fine. She continued to write and do art, but her chronic insomnia ended up leading directly to her early death, as she ended up catching an illness as a result of her lowered immune system. Her parents tried everything they could to help make her feel better. They gave her potions, read her stories, and the like, but eventually her illness caught up to her. She died from it, surrounded by her parents, stuffed toys, and thousands of artworks, on April 3rd, and her last words were her expressing her regret to her parents that she stayed awake so much. Her parents promptly buried her in the ground on that same day.
More than 65 million years later, her Sail Fossil was found and revived by Owen on March 18th, 2021, and the first thing she wanted to do upon her revival was make up for the mistake that led to her death. Unfortunately, though, she ended up going in the complete opposite direction that she had gone in when she was alive the first time. Rather than spend all of her days painting and writing like she had in the past, she instead decided to catch up on all the sleep that she had missed while she was alive-- by sleeping day and night, and even during battles. Her constant insomnia from her past turned into constant narcolepsy, leading to her Hasslemon handle (drowsyBorealis (DB)) and her typing quirk. She learned Rest and Snore so as to help her recharge herself, and only awoke on extremely rare occasions or whenever she deemed it necessary, such as after using Rest or at the start of a battle. Despite that, however, she proved herself to be very kind and wise, like she had been prior to her revival, and forged a friendship with Stipax so great that she would resort to cuddling him like a teddy bear at night. While other mons such as Crina got a bit annoyed by her constant narcolepsy, the rest of the team found it a bit charming and cute, especially Stipax, and it was part of the factor that led to Owen ultimately capturing her.
Saura's debut in the RP is rather notable, as she was the only member of the Jura6 to not make an appearance in the debut conversation on Hasslemon between the rest of the members of Owen's team, being too busy sleeping in her PokeBall to want to actively talk to anyone else. Instead, Saura made her official onscreen RP debut shortly after Owen and Stipax left to officially head off to the Techspo. Once Stipax ran into and met Minerva and her Bug-type Pokemon, Owen ultimately decided to introduce them to the rest of his team, and sent out the entire Jura6, including Saura. Saura, however, was too busy sleeping to pay attention, and slept throughout the entire introduction as well as the travel to the Devon Corps area of the Techspo. She only awoke from her sleep for the first time in order to calm down Teryx, who was convinced that the stage in front of them would be home to a cruel experiment, by telling him that it was just a stage. This was short-lived, however, as she went back to sleep soon afterwards, only waking up again-- and being far more startled this time-- upon hearing Team Lightning control Pips' fake headband. While Saura was absolutely horrified by this, she didn't participate in the 4v4 battle against Team Lightning, partially due to her slight dislike of battling and partially due to her going right back to sleep afterwards. As a matter of fact, after this moment, Saura wasn't seen or used again until after Owen caught Steggy, which happened post Team-Lightning. Even then, though, she only ever appeared on Hasslemon, greeting the new Pokemon nonchalantly and adding in a simple "guess we'll never know" in response to Crina asking Steggy about his typing quirk. From there, much of her character development in WAAPT on screen-- up until her evolution into an Aurorus-- was contained within Owen's Gym Battles.
Her official battling debut happened during the Oreburgh Gym, when a Roar from Roark's Aerodactyl ended up swapping out Stipax (who had already done pretty decent damage to said Aerodactyl by this point) for her. Saura started it off with a supereffective Powder Snow, which brought Roark's Aerodactyl down to below half health; said Aerodactyl promptly retaliated with a Stone Edge. Saura, in turn, responded by Resting in order to help heal her HP; Owen promptly begged her to wake up, thinking she'd be more vulnerable to attacks, but Saura refused, already having Snore up her sleeve. Before Roark's Aerodactyl could hit her with another Stone Edge, she used Snore, now an Ice-type move due to Refrigerate, which succeeded both in breaking the rocks and knocking out Roark's Aerodactyl. Due to the fact that Roark only used 5 mons instead of 6, this was Saura's only appearance in the battle, as well as a very strong showing. Saura wasn't seen again until after Oreburgh (though according to Goldenheart388 she did congratulate Steggy on his evolution into a Grotle offscreen), and it was once again over Hasslemon, as it was shortly after Owen had caught Eurypedis, Anomalo, and Cephalo. She was initially confused about Anomalo's keysmashing due to him being blind, but didn't focus on it too much, choosing to correct Steggy instead (who thought only one new mon had been captured). From there, she ended up meeting Anomalo for the first time, and expressed concern for him when he was told (by Chasmo) that his parents were likely dead. After some time, however, she later greeted Anomalo, before the group headed off to Hasslemon to introduce Anomalo to it. In Hasslemon, Saura helped introduce Anomalo to the concept of a Hasslemon handle and a typing quirk, and after Anomalo expressed a concern about not being able to see his typing quirk Saura reassured him that the AI would automatically set his text in the typing quirk so long as he said yes. She later complimented Chasmo on the quirk settings he had decided on and then later on told the three new mons her backstory (the first time her backstory was outright given in the RP). The new mons were horrified, and ultimately in the end she decided to leave the chat in order to continue sleeping. As a result, she never ended up hearing the backstories of Eurypedis, Cephalo, and Anomalo.
From there, Saura's next appearance occurred during the Eterna City Gym battle, where she was used against Gardenia's Cherrim. Cherrim started things off strong with a Growth, but Saura, undeterred, used Aurora Beam to knock the Cherrim's Focus Sash clean off of her. After a Petal Blizzard from Cherrim, Saura decided to use the opportunity to Rest, all while the overhead sunlight faded and Cherrim went Overcast. As Cherrim prepared to use Solar Beam, however, Saura used Sleep Talk, which then called Ice Beam, which proceeded to hit Cherrim for massive damage and knock her out. After Owen went on to defeat Gardenia, Saura once again went on to have a long absence, only appearing again after Owen caught Gwana, wherein she briefly introduced herself to the newly-caught acerbic Marowak. However, in regards to Saura's screentime, everything began to change once Owen made it to Veilstone City. Saura was used in the Veilstone City Gym, and particularly went up against Maylene's Breloom, who had the ability Technician and a Life Orb. This battle would ultimately prove to be Saura's greatest challenge yet, as Breloom got off to a strong start by using a Technician-boosted Force Palm to strike Saura for massive damage. Saura, while a bit startled, ultimately retaliated with an Aurora Beam that subsequently hit Breloom for massive damage-- and also activated her Life Orb, making her attacks even stronger. Breloom retaliated with a Mach Punch that dwindled down Saura's HP enough to the point where she ended up needing to use Rest. In response, Breloom retaliated with a Technician-boosted Bullet Seed that knocked Saura back for huge damage. However, Saura stayed alive and used an Ice-type Snore on Breloom- who hit her with a Rock Tomb, in the process revealing every move of hers to be supereffective against Saura, much to Owen's horror. However, Saura didn't give in, and used Sleep Talk, which called Icy Wind, which knocked back Breloom and brought her down to below half health. From there, Breloom used a crit-hit Force Palm, sending Saura backwards into the wall and subsequently waking her up from her sleep. While Saura remained standing, she was pretty much about ready to faint, and Owen, beginning to regret sending Saura out against the Breloom, apologized. He was about to return her to her PokeBall-- and then a familiar glowing blue pottery wheel appeared in front of her, signifying that she was now ready to evolve (by that point, it had turned to nighttime). After a few moments of hesitation, Saura stepped onto the pottery wheel and began spinning around, with clay travelling up her back and surrounding her body as the evolution process officially began.
Using voices that she had heard in a dream (as well as the details in said dream) as a guide, and in front of about 5,000 people and Pokemon (among them Owen, Stipax, Mark, Travis, Maylene, and Maylene's Breloom), Saura steadily shaped her body into that of her evolved form's. In the span of about a minute in universe, she evolved herself into an Aurorus, and after the evolution process was complete proceeded to obliterate Maylene's Breloom with a powerful Blizzard, signifying her newfound strength. The move knocked Breloom out, and Owen and Stipax ran over to congratulate Saura on her evolution, with Saura in turn mentioning that it was a bit of a shame that she was no longer able to cuddle Stipax anymore. After Owen proceeded to defeat the rest of Maylene's team, Saura told the rest of Owen's team about her evolution on Hasslemon. Everyone proceeded to congratulate her, though Anomalo questioned how the pottery wheel method worked after hearing about it. Chasmo told him about it offscreen, before Owen sent out all of his mons- Saura included- again after the Gym battle was over. During the ensuing conversation, Saura promised Anomalo that she would guide him through his evolution in the event that it happened, and also revealed to everyone (after Stipax directly questioned her about it) that she no longer felt the need to sleep nigh-constantly anymore due to her evolving. That being said, though, she did tell Teryx that she would still be using her sleeping strategies in battle. She wasn't seen again until after the revivals of Archie, Tyrie, and Rhamphor, wherein Saura initially introduced herself to them and was about to continue doing so-- and then Teryx attacked them in a fit of PTSD-induced panic. This moment, followed afterwards by Teryx attacking Owen by accident and then by the argument between the two, left Saura in complete shock, and she didn't say a single word the entire time, only reacting with complete disbelief as Owen crushed Teryx's PokeBall and forcibly exiled him from the team as a punishment. Saura's only response to this was a saddened hum of resignation and acceptance, before she and the rest of the newly-christened Jura5 returned to their PokeBalls. From there, Saura was directly involved in the conversation that followed, noting that everyone found the circumstances surrounding Teryx's release to be a bit peculiar and stating outright that she had no idea what was going on with Teryx. She then agreed to join in on Stipax's quest to find Teryx and find out what, if anything, triggered his attack on Tyrie and Rhamphor.
Along the way, Saura elaborated more to the rest of the Jura5 as to why she no longer sleeps as much as she used to: she felt as though she had caught up on enough sleep from her previous life, as in this new one she got to do something that she hadn't been capable of doing in the past: evolving. Soon afterwards, the Jura5 found a tunnel, dug by Teryx, that carried them all the way to Veilstone City, where they found Teryx in a Secret Base. Saura, along with the rest of the Jura5, helped to drag him out, and was subsequently just as shocked as the rest of the team were upon hearing Teryx straight-up beg for them to kill him. After Chasmo accidentally ended up bringing up bad memories of Teryx's past, Teryx had a flashback, letting Saura in, for the first time, onto Teryx's PTSD. Once Teryx was calmed down by Stipax and Nautilu, Saura listened in horror to Teryx's backstory, making certain to reassure Teryx in the process that he was not a burden. After the story was over, she correctly deduced that Teryx still believed that Tyrie and Rhamphor were threats due to his lack of willingness to apologize to them in the wake of the attack. This, in turn, clued Nautilu in further about Teryx's PTSD, and he proceeded to diagnose Teryx and suggest he see an actual psychiatrist. As such, Saura got the opportunity to hear about PTSD for the first time. Afterwards, however, Saura pointed out that Teryx was likely very hungry and needed something fun to do, prompting the group to head to a Pokemon Center wherein they gave Teryx a massive plate of food and watched The Wheel. During the Wheel watch party, Saura commented on the show and helped to answer a few of the questions (though of course Stipax and Teryx still dominated)-- at the same time revealing that she has seen planets in her dreams. At the end of the episode, Saura asked Teryx if he wanted to come back with them while they went to go and see Owen; Teryx, however, declined. Saura, along with the rest of the Jura5, proceeded to leave the Pokemon Center to try and find Owen, and didn't manage to get back to him until almost immediately after he had defeated the Team Lightning grunts at the Noize Destroyz concert in Hearthome.
Upon Saura returning at long last to Owen's team, she- along with everyone else on the team- agreed to not tell Owen about any of the information the team had learned about Teryx until after Owen had defeated Crasher Wake in the Pastoria Gym. Speaking of the Pastoria Gym, Saura made her fourth appearance in battle during it-- which also happened to be her first battle after her evolution into an Aurorus. She went up against Crasher Wake's Kingdra, who started the battle off by shooting a Hydro Pump-- which Saura proceeded to dodge. Owen, proceeding to realize that Kingdra was only weak to Dragon-type moves, asked Saura if she had any Dragon or Fairy type moves on her; Saura replied that she had only one-- Outrage-- and that it would be a bit difficult for her to use it. She then Body Slammed straight into Kingdra, paralyzing him- but the paralysis was short-lived, as Kingdra retaliated with Rest and then woke himself up by eating his Chesto Berry. He then used Hydro Pump- which hit this time, knocking Saura back into the wall. However, she was now able to use her own Rest. Even so, this didn't deter Kingdra in the least, who again used Hydro Pump-- which again hit, but also succeeded in making Saura sufficiently angry enough to allow her to strike Kingdra with a Sleep Talk-called-Outrage, knocking Kingdra out. After Owen recieved the Fen Badge from Wake, was informed of Teryx's backstory by Stipax, Nautilu, and Eurypedis, and recieved a Sliding Scale Choker and a mon form (Bunnelby), he also gained the ability to understand his Pokemon, and Saura was the fourth mon he was able to understand fluently. Shortly afterwards, Owen recaught Teryx and Saura reunited with him over Hasslemon, finding out in the process about his recurrent nightmares. The next day, with Owen's sudden announcement of his break to better understand his Pokemon, Saura (along with the rest of Owen's mons) agreed to head back to Pewter City with him.
- Met: Pewter City Museum
- Age: 3 (chronologically); 8 (in human form as Destiny Bell as an Amaura); 24 (in human form as Destiny Bell as an Aurorus)
- Birthday: March 18th (revival day); January 13th (initial birthday prior to death)
- Ability: Refrigerate
- Favorite Move: Rest
- Nature: Docile
- Characteristic: Likes to relax
- Likes: Sleeping, resting, daydreaming, relaxing, giving her friends advice, talking about her crazy dreams, soft fluffy toys, cuddling with Stipax, battling, seeing the Northern Lights, painting, writing, watching The Wheel, meditating
- Dislikes: Anyone waking her up from her naps (purposefully), fighting (unless during battles or when absolutely necessary), anyone hurting her friends or Trainer, anyone hurting Stipax, seeing Teryx upset or having PTSD attacks, most Fighting or Fire type Pokemon, the regrets of her past and her fatal illness, anyone that tries to underestimate or take advantage of her
- Ball: Poke
- Nickname origin: From "-saurus", a common ending used for dinosaurs, and the English name Sara
- Evolves in:
- Hasslemon typing quirk:
All instancezzzzzz of t[=]e letter H are replaced wit[=] a sleeping mask t[=]ingy and wordzzzzzzzz t[=]at end in a z sound are replaced wit[=] multiple Zs to represent snoring also t[=]ere izzzzzz no punctuation period
- Owen Edmundson: Owen Edmundson is Saura's Trainer, and as a result someone who she trusts a lot. Despite the fact that Owen can't understand her, she still is willing to (mostly) obey and follow the wills of her Trainer, and owes him a debt of gratitude after he revived her from her Sail Fossil. Saura evidently trusts her Trainer a lot, most notably in regards to his uses of Rest and his rather unconventional battle strategies. That being said, though, if the release of Teryx and its aftermath is any indication, she's also willing to go against certain things that she finds to be too extreme for Owen, even if she won't state them outright.
- Stipax: Stipax is the member of the Jura6 that Saura gets along the most with. As Stipax was the first mon that Saura ever met, she and Stipax have an extremely close relationship with one another. Saura is willing to lend Stipax her teddy bear stuffie to sleep with at night, and is usually willing to provide Stipax with advice about how to handle life. In return, Stipax is willing to ask Saura about all of her daydreams, and is notably one of the few mons on Owen's team that doesn't find her at least a bit strange or unusual. In the RP, their bond was shown multiple times, but most notably when Stipax cheered on Saura-- and then congratulated her-- in the midst of her pottery wheel evolution in the Veilstone City Gym.
- Nautilu: Nautilu and Saura get along fairly well due to their pretty similar personalities. Saura, who had never even heard of anything related to human life in the midst of her revival, was excited to learn about 13th century medieval life from someone who had actually experienced it. Nautilu and Saura proceeded to enjoy finding out more about how human culture worked, especially in the modern day; both of them ended up serving as advisors towards each other and towards other members of the team.
- Crina: Saura and Crina are for the most part completely different in terms of general personality-- the former being calm, methodical, and stoic, yet still a daydreamer with a bit of a cloudcuckoolander side, and the latter being an extremely silly prankster with a hint of brutality-- and yet at the same time they're also surprisingly similar. They both have a tendency to say strange and bizarre things from time to time, and Crina herself can actually get somewhat put off by Saura's constant napping. Despite this, however, Crina very evidently cares a lot about Saura, and is still willing to appreciate her quirks, to such an extent that she flat out believed that Saura, after her evolution, had a bug in her brain that was causing her to forget to sleep.
- Chasmo: In a similar regard to Nautilu, Saura and Chasmo also get along very well due to their similar personalities, as well as their similar roles as the group's main voices of reason. However, Saura-- as an Amaura in particular-- often tended to look up to Chasmo for advice, with Chasmo in turn not really minding her sleeping the day and night away and often preferring to communicate with her via Hasslemon. After Saura's evolution, the two mons haven't interacted much beyond that, so it's still up in the air as to what the full extent of their relationship is like.
- Teryx: Besides Stipax, Saura arguably has the closest relationship with Teryx out of the Jura6. Prior to Teryx's release from the team, she would often try to help him sleep at night and would give him her big teddy bear to cuddle with. This, unfortunately, did not work. Later on, Saura expressed shock and sadness upon seeing Teryx get released from the team, and went along with the Jura5 in order to try and get him back. Even after Teryx's release, she continues to do her best to comfort and help him, especially in the wake of her finding out, courtesy of Nautilu, that Teryx has PTSD.
- Anomalo: While Saura hasn't had much interaction with the secondary team of mons, Anomalo is the arguable exception. Saura has helped Anomalo multiple times, serving to comfort him in the wake of him finding out about his blindness. Most notably of all, she personally volunteered to help Anomalo through his evolution when the time came, especially considering the fact that she had just come off of her own evolution herself (the group had just finished going up against Maylene in the Veilstone Gym, which is when Saura evolved into an Aurorus).
Known Moves
: Powder Snow, Icy Wind, Mist, Aurora Beam, Round (due to Refrigerate), Snore (due to Refrigerate), Sleep Talk (due to Refrigerate), Nature Power (due to Refrigerate), Freeze-Dry, Ice Beam, Hail, Blizzard
: Ancient Power
: Rest, Light Screen
: Thunder Wave
- Saura's name is derived from the common -saurus ending prominent in most dinosaur names, as well as the term "sauropod", a direct reference to the species of mon that Aurorus is based on. It could also be a corrupted version of the English name Sara. Originally, her name was planned to be Amarga, from Amargasaurus (the type of sauropod dinosaur that the Amaura line is based on), but Goldenheart388 didn't think it worked as well of a name as Saura did and thus the name was changed.
- According to Goldenheart388, Saura's Hasslemon handle is drowsyBorealis (DB). The "drowsy" part references Saura's constant drowsiness and sleep patterns, while the "borealis" half is a reference to the Aurora Borealis (AKA the Northern Lights) that Amaura and Aurorus are partially based on. Despite Saura losing her constant sleep patterns after her evolution into an Aurorus, her handle and typing quirk remain.
- According to Goldenheart388, Saura's English character theme is "Fireflies" by Owl City, which is meant to be a musical representation of her sleep habits and especially her dreams while sleeping. Her Japanese character theme, meanwhile, was initially "Small world" by BUMP OF CHICKEN, but was later on changed to "Sudachi no Uta", the opening theme to Wonder Egg Priority. The Japanese character theme was specifically changed to that song due to it sounding akin to a lullaby that can put you to sleep. Her Broadway character theme is "Any Dream Will Do" from Joseph and the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat, and her English headcanon voice is Evanna Lynch as Luna Lovegood from the Harry Potter films (this remained unchanged after her evolution into an Aurorus).
- Saura is the only member of the Jura6, and the first member of Owen's team in general, to have an Owl City song as her English character theme.
- Saura's human name, "Destiny Bell", shares its initials with that of her Hasslemon handle drowsyBorealis, with both of them abbreviating to DB. This pattern applies to every member of Owen's team save for Steggy.
- Saura's revival day, March 18th, doubles as National Sleep Day for 2022; her actual birthday, January 13th, is the day of the release of Wonder Egg Priority in Japan. The former is also around the time that the Northern Lights can be seen.
- Saura was the first Pokemon in WAAPT to evolve via the pottery wheel method onscreen- while other mons such as Joel, D'Autry, Nautilu, Crina, Chasmo and Teryx also evolved via said method, they all evolved offscreen, and in the case of D'Autry, wasn't even seen by his Trainer.
- Saura is the only fossilmon that Owen Edmundson owns to have initially died from a contracted illness. In order of capture, the other fossilmons died, respectively, from: being crushed underfoot by a human, dehydration and starvation, old age, an Aerodactyl attack, being hit with a mace, a Tyrantrum attack, falling while performing a cliff-jumping stunt, old age (again), being crushed to death by stalactites, and being crushed to death by a rock in a heroic sacrifice.
- Saura is the only member of the Jura6 besides Stipax to have been used in at least one battle in every Gym Battle Owen has participated in as of Pastoria, being used against Roark's Aerodactyl, Gardenia's Cherrim, Maylene's Breloom, and Crasher Wake's Kingdra. By contrast, Nautilu wasn't used in Pastoria, Crina wasn't used in Veilstone, Chasmo wasn't used in Eterna or Pastoria, and Teryx has yet to be used in a Gym Battle at all.
- Saura's favorite book of all time is When the Dark Comes Dancing: A Bedtime Poetry Book by Nancy Larrick and John Wallner, and her favorite food is chicken and dumpling soup. Her favorite TV show of all time is The Golden Girls, and her favorite movie of all time is The Wizard of Oz.
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