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* Once fought [[Adelinde]] when she was younger, soundly defeating her.
* Once fought [[Adelinde]] when she was younger, soundly defeating her.
* Is tentatively friends with [[Maggie Schneider|Maggie]].
* Is tentatively friends with [[Maggie Schneider|Maggie]].
* She and [[Channah]] don't get along.
== Pokémon ==
== Pokémon ==

Revision as of 07:02, 5 October 2021

Chiyo via Picrew.

Name: Chiyo
Nickname/Alias: Iridium, Katy Boundree, Ida
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Age: Mid-30s (Biologically), 20 (Chronologically)
Height: 5'3" (160 cm)
Ethnicity: General School genetic slurry, appears primarily of mixed [East Asian] and Black descent
Birthday: Early 2001
Attribute: N/A
Trainer ID: Unknown
Home: Poni Island School facility, Alola
Pokéform: Rainbow Swirl Alcremie
Starter: Dactyl
Status: Alive

Chiyo, formerly known as Iridium of the 2001 School batch, is an escaped School subject and one of its longest lasting fugitives, having successfully evaded capture or liquidation for more than 20 years.


Chiyo is about 5'3", has the general School phenotype of dark hair with purple eyes, the former she keeps in a ponytail tied back with a rainbow hairband, and has a medium brown skin complexion. Her face is dotted with freckles. Chiyo tends to prefer clothes that don't stand out, partially out of personal style preference, and partially to avoid School attention, but at least one article of clothing tends to be light blue. Around her neck is a birthday present from her Batch's Curium, a necklace bearing a star with a rainbow trailing behind it, which doubles as a keepsake.


Chiyo is generally kind and personable, but decades of having to dodge the School has given her a ruthless edge when it comes to life or death struggles despite her dislike of killing and compassion for her fellow Schoolchildren and even Templars, who she sees as mostly brainwashed slaves. As a result of being a fugitive, she has trouble getting close to people out of fear of the School harming them and/or using them as bargaining chips to coerce her cooperation.


Chiyo was decanted in early 2001 as the 77th member of her Batch, and gained the designation Iridium as a result. At some point she chose to run away from the School facility in Alola where she was being kept, running from Alola (Where she met and caught Dactyl) over to Kanto. Two Templars had managed to corner her and were planning on either capturing or liquidating her on the spot, when a then 10 year old Tagg got involved and easily dispatched them with his Venusaur. Following a brief conversation in which "Katy Boundree" alluded to why she was being chased and she ascertained that the Templars had not gotten a good look at his face, the two parted and wouldn't meet again for the next 20 years.

Chiyo spent the following two decades avoiding the School and honing her abilities, gaining infamy amongst the organization as one of its longest lasting fugitives. It was during this time that Chiyo ended up being forced to kill her batch's Boron in self-defense in September 2006, her close friend/romantic partner Curium died due to rapid aging related cancer, and her joining of the Oasis.


Chiyo is a psychic who specializes in the use of barrier constructs. While she can use them for defensive purposes as expected, deflecting things up to man-portable missiles, she can also use them offensively in the form of sending them crashing into people, creating small barriers with sharp edges in order to throw them at enemies offensively, and having Dactyl bounce off of them in order to increase his momentum and destructive impact. Chiyo can also form miniature barriers inside people's major blood vessels in order to give them lethal strokes, but the technique requires a lot of concentration, making it impractical in open combat.

On the less offensive end, she can form smaller barriers around her wounds in order to facilitate healing.

As an Elemental Auric, she is capable of generating rainbow flames by increasing the temperature of her barriers with telekinesis, which she uses to increase the cutting power of her disc constructs, burn things to cinders in her bubble barriers, and even heat tea. However, she only uses the ability in combat when she's truly pressed, as her regular abilities are very good otherwise.

Her most powerful known ability has her don an armor formed from her barriers as her disc constructs turn into stars that blaze with her rainbow Aura. Said stars on top of keeping their cutting edge can be sent to opponents with enough explosive force to burn them to a crisp.

Notable Items

  • A necklace consisting of a star with a rainbow trailing from it given to her as a gift by Curium for her birthday.
  • A light blue armband with transformation capabilities acquired from Ersatz Alliance.


  • Tagg once saved her from Templars when he was starting out as a trainer, an action she's quite grateful for decades later. The two have quickly become friends after meeting again.
  • Gets along generally well with her fellow Oasis members, being particularly close to the Faller duo Nicky and Kendra. However, despite their closeness and a few sexual dalliances, Chiyo is reluctant to take things further due to her fears of the School harming them and/or otherwise using them as bargaining chips.
  • Batchmates:
    • Was very close with the Curium of her batch, and was devastated by her premature death from cancer.
    • Was friends with Boron, but parted when she refused to join their escape attempt, and ended up killing her in self-defense five years later when the then Alumni tried to drag her back to the School.
  • Dactyl was her first Pokémon and remains her closest mon friend.
  • Has ended up befriending Tagg's Azumarill, Anguis, and Ovis, connecting to the latter over their shared love of the stars.
  • Once fought Adelinde when she was younger, soundly defeating her.
  • Is tentatively friends with Maggie.
  • She and Channah don't get along.




  • Has evaded death or capture by the School for over 20 years.
  • Defeated and killed numerous Templars and other enemies over the course of nearly a week.


  • Chiyo has a great interest in astronomy.
  • Her Aura is a unique rainbow color, as a reference to Iridium meaning "of rainbows", but has no relation to the multicolored Aura commonly seen in Aura Vampires.
  • Her first alias, Katy Boundree, is a pun on "K-T Boundary", the line of iridium separating the Cretaceous from the Tertiary Period.
  • Her secondary alias, Ida, refers to the asteroid that Dactyl's namesake orbits around.
  • Chiyo's main occupation is that of a camgirl, though she once worked at a Burger Monarch in the past.
  • Her Rainbow Swirl Alcremie mon form uniquely has purple as opposed to yellow eyes despite her use of a Star Sweet to evolve.
  • Her [Steam] account is IridescentChiyo.
Chiyo's Team
On Hand : Dactyl774vMini.pngCeres036Mini.pngBeremices925fMini.pngPisaster121Mini.pngStellamaris699Mini.pngLehua952Mini.png
Allied: Qinglong780Mini.pngSuzaku663Mini.pngBaekho863Mini.pngHuyen Vu009Mini.png
As last seen in: Paldea