Tagg's Azumarill
Tagg's Azumarill was the second member to join his new Unova team, following his saving her from a bubble as an Azurill. He decided to try convincing her to join upon seeing her whack a tree hard enough with her tail to dent it. Since evolving into an Azumarill, she has become one of the main powerhouses of the team.
Azumarill is a kindhearted and strong willed mon that serves as the only sane woman within Tagg's second Unova team. (As she's probably one of the more stable members.)
- Age: 11
- Birthday: January 10, 2013
- Met: Flocessy Ranch, Unova (Azurill)
- Ability: Huge Power
- Ball: Poké
In the Other!Verse
In the Other!Verse Azumarill is still under Tagg's ownership, but became male upon becoming a Marill.
Battle Strategy
While not the fastest of mons, Huge Power gives her large amounts of strength, and her defenses and stamina even allow her to be capable of taking a few more hits of Grass and Electric attacks than most other mons of her type.
Known Techniques
Brick Break, Superpower
Helping Hand, Splash, Strength, Tail Whip
Aqua Tail, Bubble, Bubblebeam, Surf, Water Gun, Waterfall
- Is friends with Ovis.
- Taught Anguis how to use Aqua Tail, and the two happen to be in a polycule with Ovis.
- Stopped Tagg from throttling Herbert.
- Helped Tagg win the Unova League for the third time.
- Azumarill happens to be both bisexual and polyamorous.
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