Rex Hunter

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Name: Rex Hunter
Nickname/Alias: --
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Unknown
Age: 16
Height: Unknown
Ethnicity: Unknown
Birthday: October 9th
Attribute: N/A
Trainer ID: N/A
Home: Goldenrod City
Pokéform: Spinda
Starter: Rascal
Status: Alive

Rex Hunter is a Pokémon Trainer from Goldenrod City. He is an upbeat young man, eager to help out anyone he can. However, he has a tendency to get himself and people around him into trouble. Rex began his regional journeys in his home region of Johto, becoming an intern of Prof. Elm's in the process. After his journey in the Sevii Islands, he met and became an unofficial member of the J-Team.


Rex and Rascal prior to meeting the J-Team.

Rex was born to Faith and Andrew Hunter in Goldenrod City, Johto, October 9, 1996. His early childhood years were fairly normal, though his overactive imagination and penchant for fantasy caused him to grow up relatively friendless. As a result, he spent much of his time indoors, filling his time by either playing video games or mock-wrestling with his mother's Hitmontop.

Due to his father being at work for most of the day, Rex's interests stemmed from his mother's. Due to her influence, he developed both his love of reading and his desire to become a Pokémon Trainer. However, neither of his parents felt that he was fit enough to own a Pokémon of his own yet, much to the boy's displeasure.


Rex and Rascal formed an immediate bond, the little boy excited to finally have a friend of his own. Rather than playing with others, they would explore various parts of town and have their own “adventures”. Eventually, as Rex became older, he became aware of the Pokémon battles that other people were partaking in. Deciding to use them as a way to finally get others to notice them, Rex challenged the first person he came across, a girl who had recently moved into the city. Unfortunately, she easily defeated him on three separate occasions. Devastated, Rex decided to give up on battling, returning to his childhood games. But, despite his love for Rascal, he still felt empty inside, the games no longer as amusing as they used to be.

Six months later, Rex became aware that the girl who defeated him was actually the new gym leader of the Goldenrod Gym, Whitney. Feeling a sudden twinge of resolve, Rex was determined to surpass her and all of the other trainers in Goldenrod. At the beginning of the next Johto League Season, Rex set out with Rascal, beginning what would later become an unusual adventure.

On his journey, Rex rescued a poached Zorua and Lapras (both of which were added to his team), became an apprentice researcher under Professor Elm, trained in Dragon's Den, and defeated fourteen of the sixteen Gym Leaders of the Indigo Plateau. He is currently undecided about what profession to pursue, something that is only further hampered by the constant antics of the J-Team.

Basic Information

Name: Rex Hunter

Age: 15

Birthday: October 9th

Gender: Male

Race: Caucasian (Human); Spinda (Pokémon) [Only in Mystery Dungeons or due to supernatural effects]

Height: 5’5

Weight: 146 lbs.

Hair Color and Style: Brown with thin, anime-style spikes

Eye Color: Amber

Skin Color: Light-skinned

Attire: Gray jeans with an orange pattern on the right leg, a red and black hoodie, Running Shoes (with a color design of two large white vertical stripes and one large black one in between the two), a black Pokégear kept under the sleeve of his right wrist, and a pouch on his waist for holding his Pokédex

Occupation: Trainer; Apprentice Pokémon Researcher

Alignment: Good

Goal: Proving his worth as a trainer; searching for his future career


Role Model: His mother, Silent

Personality: Shy but able to socialize, though he has a bit of a sarcastic streak; more upbeat around Pokémon, his mom, or people he considers his friends; conservative with money (usually spends it on food or items for his Pokémon)

Attitude: Respectful of adults and authority, courteous to females, tolerant of all kinds of Pokémon (has no real favorite type or species), etc.


Likes: His Pokémon, training, reading, playing games, puzzles

Dislikes: Pushy people, feeling helpless, bossy girls, being interrupted while doing something, being the center of attention in crowds

Strengths: Usually able to easily befriend Pokémon, especially those he owns; well-read for his age

Weaknesses: Has a bit of a prideful attitude; hates riding bicycles down hills

Tastes: Being raised on fruits and vegetables due to Johto’s fertile soil, Rex isn’t as much of a finicky eater as most kids. He usually has berries on hand to eat for himself and his Pokémon.

Favorite Meal: Macaroni and Cheese with broccoli and a glass of cranberry juice

Least Favorite Meal: Liver and Onions

Education: Home-schooled up to a high school level; capable of reading on a college level

Marital Status: Single

Sexual Orientation: Heterosexual

Hobbies: Playing with his Pokémon, training, horticulture, researching, video games, Pokéatlhon, Bug Catching Contest, etc.

Fears: Being made fun of, losing his Pokémon, being alone

Hometown: Goldenrod City (Johto)

Current Residence: Various secret bases

Surroundings: Rex keeps his room and his secret bases neat, making sure that he and his Pokémon have enough space to move about and go about their business easily. He is very uncomfortable in messes and has a compulsion to clean them. In order to protect his bases from being defiled by wild Pokémon or other Trainers, Rex conceals his bases by using parts of the environment (boulders, foliage, etc.).

Relatives: Faith Hunter (Mother)

Friends: Kim, Lyra, Whitney, Bugsy, Every, Mezzo, Silent, Tangent, Star

Colleagues: Prof. Elm, Prof. Oak, Bill, Celio, Prof. Rowan, Prof. Birch, Prof. Juniper

Fighting Style: N/A

Key Items: Pokédex (dark blue and sea foam green), Pokégear (black) worn on his right wrist (Clock, GPS Map, Phone, and Radio functions), Running Shoes (activated by inserting a command into the Pokégear), Backpack, Berry Pouch, TM Case, Bicycle, Poffin Case, Berry Pots, Squirtbottle, a large notebook filled with his research notes

First Appearance: Page 3583

Pokéform: Spinda

Secret Base Locations: None (Kanto), None (Johto), Route 121 - Cave (Hoenn), None (Sinnoh), None (Unova)

Rex's Pokémon

Rex's Team
Active : Rascal136Mini.pngCaspian503Mini.pngOhm181Mini.pngLian620Mini.pngSahara555Mini.pngMaitake286Mini.pngDamian214Mini.pngSirocco662Mini.png
Semi-Retired : Gin547Mini.pngGaea076Mini.pngMaya571Mini.pngAnya212Mini.pngMasque065Mini.pngRampage473Mini.pngLaplace131Mini.png
With Faith : Fang020Mini.pngBreezy189Mini.pngJemma300Mini.pngMinty542Mini.pngZippy026Mini.pngClaudia351Mini.png
Co-Owned : Aqua134Mini.pngPierce135Mini.png
As last seen in: Alola