
From We Are All Pokémon Trainers
Revision as of 10:34, 20 November 2015 by Umbramatic (talk | contribs)
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Quote Pending

Species: Archen -> Archeops

Gender: Male

Nature: Serious

Ability: Defeatist

Obtained: Lilycove City

Ball: Dusk

Name Basis: A Chinese paleontologist who found many feathered dinosaur fossils

General Description:

An escapee experimental Archen, Xu has one goal in life: To write the best poetry he can. Granted, it’s often choppy and prone to purple prose, but he tries his hardest. He’s also prone to being overly dramatic, as well as pointing out ironies and other literary devices in everyday life. However, don’t you dare threaten his friends or flame his poems – he’s the epitome of a warrior poet, with extra emphasis on the warrior part after he evolves into Archeops. Even after Defeatist activates, he’ll keep fighting as hard as he can.

Bio: Coming soon

Known Moves:

  • TypeRock.gif Stone Edge, Rock Slide
  • TypeFlying.gif Acrobatics, Fly
  • TypeDragon.gif Dragon Pulse
  • TypeGround.gif Earthquake
  • TypePoison.gif Toxic
  • TypeNormal.gif Endeavor

Trivia: Coming soon.

Umbra's Team
On Hand : Lux609Mini.pngStyx302Mini.png*Mata Nui623Mini.pngJadis478Mini.png*Gravemind0442Mini.pngXemnas094Mini.pngBow0477Mini.pngSaxton 700Mini.pngTricky711Mini.pngCuyahoga 006Mini.pngEreth652Mini.pngDuolis681Mini.png*Sargasso691Mini.pngTromba130Mini.pngGilgamesh248Mini.pngBucky053Mini.png
At PEFE HQ / Elsewhere : Luxord206Mini.pngReynard571Mini.pngDOOM321Mini.pngSaïx034Mini.pngXion474Mini.pngNazz254Mini.pngSkipper260Mini.pngMarina528Mini.pngCinder157Mini.pngRoxas448Mini.pngGellick454Mini.pngLarxene405Mini.pngAbel026Mini.pngAlduin0635Mini.pngTiamat230Mini.pngHatchet612Mini.pngGrif560Mini.pngPrism468Mini.png
With Ammy : Ammy637Mini.png*
Given Away/Traded/Released : Susano503Mini.pngXu567Mini.pngSeishirou445Mini.png*
Alternate Timeline : Lux609Mini.pngMata Nui623Mini.pngStyx302Mini.pngJadis362SMini.pngTiamat230Mini.pngTromba130Mini.png
Another Universe : Lux609Mini.pngStyx302Mini.pngMata Nui623Mini.pngTuck562Mini.pngPinky555Mini.png*Petrid141Mini.png
Past : The Spider Queen168Mini.png*Crimson Helm128Mini.png*Orochi0635Mini.png*Blight092Mini.png*Ninetails038Mini.png*Lechku and Nechku479Mini.png*Yami086Mini.png*Myra479Mini.pngTuck563Mini.pngVladimir093Mini.pngMetentis356Mini.pngLarva563Mini.pngFlicker609Mini.pngShimmer593fMini.pngPhobos094Mini.pngKatsuragi867Mini.png • Various Other Ghosts?Mini.png
As last seen in: Galar

Lenore's Team
On Hand : MS Word137Mini.pngHunny133Mini.pngLulamoon147Mini.pngMs Paint235Mini.pngXu567Mini.png
Given Away/Traded/Released : Xemnas094Mini.png
As last seen in: Vermillion City