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[[Category:Minds of Crystal]]

Revision as of 02:09, 30 January 2013

Crystallux is Pianis' Cryogonal.


  • Age: Unknown
  • Birthday: Unknown
  • Nature: Serious
  • Ability: Levitate
  • Met: Twist Mountain
  • Ball: Quick
  • Favorite move: Reflect
  • Likes: Percentages, pointing things out
  • Dislikes: Unknown

Name Basis

Crystallux is named after a summon in Golden Sun: Dark Dawn.


Crystallux is a distant, calculating mon with a robotic manner of speech. It never shows any emotion and often explains things in the form of statistics.

Abilities in Battle

Crystallux is the most defensive of Pianis' Pokémon when it comes to resisting special attacks, but physical attacks will quickly shatter it. Like the rest of his team, it is also a potent special attacker.

Known moves:

  • TypeIce.gif Blizzard, Ice Beam, Aurora Beam, Ice Shard, Icy Wind
  • TypeNormal.gif Recover
  • TypePsychic.gif Reflect, Light Screen
  • TypeGrass.gif SolarBeam


Crystallux was caught at Twist Mountain after a long search. It and Yukikaze were the only mons caught by Pianis before he departed for Sinnoh.


  • Is a Mind of Crystal (literally).


Sparkplug has a crush on Crystallux and identifies it as female. Crystallux refuses to comment on this situation.

In the AU

Crystallux is one of two mons from Pianis' team to survive the Distortion, the other being Shiva. Both were found by Mezzo after the Distortion was cleared.

Pianis's Team
On Hand : Yukikaze584Mini.pngCrystallux615Mini.pngIcecap460Mini.pngShiva478Mini.pngSparkplug479FMini.pngBoreas087Mini.png
As last seen in: Alola

Mezzo's Team
On Hand : Felis510Mini.pngSunny0197Mini.pngButterscotch571ButterscotchMini.pngYin359Mini.pngCerberus229Mini.pngCharybdis635Mini.pngXel'lotath687Mini.png
Boxed : Muramasa625Mini.pngSerket452Mini.pngDreadwing630Mini.pngSpiny 319Mini.pngBellatrix560Mini.pngNevermore430Mini.pngDemyx342Mini.png
Alternate Timeline : Mercury198Mini.pngShadow0197Mini.pngSickle470Mini.pngShiva478Mini.pngCrystallux615Mini.png
As last seen in: Galar