OuRex is a friend of Mezzo's who happens to be a Pokémon cosplayer.
About Rex
Rex is a Pokemon Cosplayer. She has a cheerful and outgoing disposition. She loves to eat so always carries around bento and snacks. She can be a bit of a packrat and is known to pick up he oddest things she carries around in her pouch, often only used once and left behind. She is never seen out of cosplay, but she will dress down to the minimalist of of cosplay when she needs to sleep for the night or to go swimming. She wears a pair of rose-colored glasses that serve no greater function than for her to see and should not be mistaken for rose-colored glasses. She seems to always be on the move and is as happy running on two legs as she is bounding around on all fours.
Age: ???
Height: 165cm
Weight: Fluctuates with meal time
Birthday: October 21st
Starter Pokémon: Jasmine the Venusaur
Favorite Color: Red
Favorite Type: Water
Likes: Food
Dislikes: Badly cooked food, rude people
Rex's Biography
Rex was born in Celadon City under the name of Raion (雷音). She lived under the roof of a wealthy family and were believed to be the benefactors of many businesses in Celadon, including the Celadon Department Store. Without the Busso Family many of here businesses would collapse in ruin. The family trades with various companies that support the growth of bonds between pokemon and people, including many research projects at Rustboro City.
Rex underwent traditional flower arranging classes under the Nature-Loving Princess, Erika, along with many other students. To assist in her training her father gave her a Bulbasaur, which the young girl named Jasmine. When she was older, at around thirteen, she was sent to Viridian City with her partner Jasmine, to study at the Pokemon Academy. After graduating she received her second pokemon: a Pikachu. She fondly named this pokemon Zap.
After Academy she went on to continue her studies of traditional flower arranging and other feminine ideals of beauty. She was being groomed by her father to take over the Busso (物騒) family along with her two older siblings Ame (雨) and Kaze (風). Their father Kumo (雲) regards his children and had gifted them each a pokemon born to the family. Typically the Busso Family is known for raising Absol, a rare pokemon from the Honenn Region where the Busso Family originated from. It was said the Busso Family were once a simple, farming family from Fallarbor Town. After suffering a disaster it was said that their ancestors went to hunt down the Absol who was said to have caused it. Kumo's great, great, great grandfather had gotten separated from the hunting party. When he climbed down the mountain with the Absol at his side, they came to learn he pokemon had saved him from death. From then on in it was said that the Absol were guardians of the family and were raised as prospective partners ever since.
Raion (Rex) was the first of the Busso family to not receive an Absol partner. It was said that her grandmother observed a fortune that when ready, she would meet her partner in a time of great need.
Rex had always been a little odd. Being the youngest she was left with only her pokemon as her main source of companionship, with her father always quite busy with work. She was fond of dressing up in costumes, of which her father always bought her any she pleased. Raised a competent trainer she was often roaming he outskirts of Route 7 and often causing trouble with her two partners in the neighboring City of Saffron and Route 5.
When she was eighteen she set out on adventure and met many partners along the way.
On a trip to Cerulean city she came across a small Marill she made friends with and named Marryl. Later this Marill would evolve into an Azumarill. She had originally gone through Cerulean to head to Pewter City Museum of Science with an Old Amber she had discovered while digging around Route 16 with Jasmine the Ivysaur and Zap the Pikachu. They were quite excited to meet their new friend. Zap, who had a habit of shocking everyone with his Static, a result of being a little overcharged sometimes, meeting Marryl was a ironic twist as the water pokemon's Fat makes it a bit less harshly met to the environment. They became fast friends. The, now trip, traveled to Pewter City and after many days were able to meet their new friend, a rather massive friend. An Aerodactyl, of which the group decided she would be named Aera.
Trial and error was the only way to teach the prehistoric pokemon to fly and soon the group bumbled their way to Cinnabar Island. The fiery land was difficult terrain for the group. Many weeks of adventuring soon led them to meeting a small, fiery slug. An adorable little Slugma, of which had been trapped behind some debris in the old, collapsing mansion, was rescued by the groups ingenuity and soon the volcanic girl, fondly named Mara, joined the team.
When Marryl became an Azumarill the group decided to head to the beach and teach her how to properly surf. After many lessons they decided to adventure out to the Sevii Islands. Here they discovered many adventures and trouble. They came upon a very strange discovery. It was some sort o Egg, that was shaped like a rock. It was warm and nothing like they had ever seen. Mara, now a Magcargo, was given he egg to warm, the cold it was exposed to could to have possibly been good for it! Soon the stony egg hatred into a Larvitar. The little rock pokemon was deeply loved by the group. To them he was their baby, being hatched by the proud mother, Mara, herself! The hatchling was named Vaitar, because he full of vitality and quite tough for such a tiny thing. In the end he became the largest of the group and is known to be highly protective of his 'parents'
The group continues their adventure and growth. The Busso family is strong willed and seek to redefine the relationship between human and pokemon. They looked down upon the malicious groups such as Team Rocket and Team Galactic. It is even rumored that the Busso Family were at odds with the Giovanni Family. Giovanni and his group had seemingly vanished from Kanto after losing to the Champion, but was it as simple as that?
During these adventures, now going by Rex, she met Mezzo while visiting Jubelife City. The clingy girl became rather attached to the younger, blue-haired gem and all but kidnapped her to a small adventure around the city.
Zap often stays out of his pokeball, following his master around, though has no qualms returning when sent back. They say the girl is unusually fond of the Raichu. Zap had grown extremely ill from growing overcharged. She spent weeks taking care of him, no PokeCenter able to discern how to best cure him. At the time there were no sure fire ways to cure the Electric Mice from overcharge outside of draining hem of their energy, but nothing seemed to work for Zap. Eventually he became better, but during that time at his bedside the girl had transfixed herself to the electric mouse. She had been afraid to lose him as she had lost her mother. She can be seen behaving more like a Raichu than a human at times. Her favorite cosplay is a Raichu's.
When Rex's Father Kumo decide to remarry Rex was not at happy to hear it. Feeling betrayed that her father would so quickly forget their mother the trainer went on a Pilgrimage to find new Dark Pokèmon. Ame and Kaze, being worried for their younger sibling, would head out with her so the father could carry a peace of mind while she decided to travel to the all but unknown Unova region. What she found was so much more. At the start of her adventure she had come upon a Breeder who raised Snivies. She had never seen a Breeder like this before and became fascinated. The Breeder assured they only bred so that each generation could enjoy the happiness she experienced with her Serperior. Rex was given a young male, the noble family line in particular were known for their speed rather than attack. The beautiful leaves and scales that decorated the Snivy's scales so she named him Suigyoku (翠玉) , which means Emerald. She often called him Su-chan for short.
Along their travels the trio met many pokèmon. Traveling the deserts the group soon came upon a little Scraggy. So tiny, but tenacious. He loved headbutting anything he could. He was always tripping and talking to his own beat. Rex aptly named him Turntbl. Traveling the caves they came across an adorable ball of fluff, a Woobat. After making friend with the nose-happy kisser, she named him Kyoukin (胸襟). Their travels only grew more full of friends. The siblings soon started a Triple Battle team so they were never without the other. With Rex's new-world team growing she continued to search for new ways to make Dark Pokèmon strong without them being scary. Vaitar was only the beginning. She started heavily training Turntbl making him an exceptional combatant with a relaxed disposition similar to Vaitar's. Visiting the water bound Pinwheel Forest. They came upon a strange looking little toad called a Tympole. His jolly singing and nosie making always made the others dance. She named him Aoi Gama and adventures continued.
For a long time it was just them. Arriving at Chargestone Cave Rex was beside herself with the adorable, electric tick that filled the cave. Capturing one in a Net Ball Rex would name the adorable girl Eweio. Rex's siblings were not sure why. Even after their sister's extensive explanation the idea went over their heads. Eweio had become quite fond of Suigyoku and the Noble Serperior soon found himself falling in love with the only creature that could make him shudder and drop a berry. He would not let his fear show through his Brave Nature, but she knew. She had all his weaknesses accounted for after all.
Rex felt she had completed her team until the trip climbed Dragonspiral Tower. There she came across a pair of Twin Druddigons. They were named Vizra and Galthia. Either sister could be found on Rex's team at any given moment. The twins completed her team and soon they were on their way to discover news about a Dark Pokèmon that was so hideous that its Dragon nature made it the most feared Pokèmon in the region. Rex wanted to prove them wrong. She wanted to prove Dark Pokèmon could be good too.
Rex's Items
•Rose Colored Glasses: Can't see without them
•Raichu Cosplay: Consisting of a Leotard, Two Legwarmers, Arm Warmers, Hoodie with Tail, Sneakers
•Tyranitar Cosplay: Gloves with claws, Knee-high boots, Gas/Dust Mask, Goggles
•Aerodactyl Cosplay: Helmet, Grappling Hook-tail, Spandex Suit, Wingflaps, Boots
•C-Gear: Has access to a Clock, Map, Radio Tuner, Phone, Pokemon Storage Data
•10 Pokeballs: Six used, four unused
•Headphone Radio: Connects to Pokegear via a jack cable
•Thunder-shaped Pendant: Reminiscent of a Thunderstone
•Water-shaped Pendant: Reminiscent of a Waterstone
•2 Bentos/Lunchboxes: Full or Empty depending on the time of day
•Satchel: Folded in her pouch
Tyranitar Cosplay
Rex's Team
ExpandOuRex's Team |
- OuRex appeared to have no Gen III or later Pokémon at all until unboxing her Unova team.
- OuRex's real name is written with the kanji 雷音 which reads Thunder Sound.
- OuRex's costume tails seem to move with her emotions.
- OuRex has never had the experience of being turned into a Pokèmon, but can still somehow speak with them and understand them.
- OuRex and her siblings are all named after the elements of the sky: Ame; Rain, Kaze; Wind, Raion; Thunder, Hikaru; Light