<I can't wait to meet all sorts of new friends and develop friendships that are going to last forever and ever...>
Puxiki is Axis Hunter's Wigglytuff, and the second Pokemon they caught on their journey.
Puxiki shares a lot of personality traits-- and interest traits-- in common with Ian Salberg. He is very excitable about a lot of things, and believes firmly in the powers of love and friendship above all else (the former much more so, given his corresponding Greek god and Fairy typing). Puxiki's main goal in life is to make other people and Pokemon as happy as possible, and not only does he enjoy seeing people and Pokemon happy, but he also has a very optimistic worldview on life. However, said worldview can sometimes be a bit too optimistic, as while Puxiki is genuinely sweet and willing to help anyone he comes across, he is also very naive- much more so than Ian. He believes in love and friendship to such an extent that he thinks everybody can be redeemed by it, not knowing that enemies like the Fanatic exist who can't be redeemed so easily, if at all. Puxiki is very much interested in anime, and also like Ian is specifically interested in any and all anime that focuses on the powers of love and friendship, including magical girl anime, moe anime, and so on. However, Puxiki is also a pacifist whose only moves are status moves, status-inducing moves, Disable, and Copycat, and as such does not believe in the idea that violence is sometimes necessary to solve problems. As such, he does not enjoy superhero or kaiju movies like Ian does. As Puxiki is a Wigglytuff, he also enjoys singing songs to himself, and much like Ian, Evelyn, Kendall, and Kamui, he is Japanese-fluent. He is also a pacifist in battle, preferring to not attack directly and instead much preferring to use status moves to put the opponent to sleep or confuse them, or disable one of the opponents' moves. He also cares very much about defense, and enjoys using Defense Curl to raise his Defense to absurdly high levels. This was most notable shown during the double battle against Letina and Axollo, in which Puxiki relied almost entirely on status moves, leaving the actual attacks to Tekkan. Puxiki, rather than being pink like other members of his species, is a brown-orange color, that just so happens to be the exact blood color of Tavros Nitram.
Puxiki's personality profile is below.
Personality Profile
Your name is PUXIKI. You are a JIGGLYPUFF.
For whatever reason, you are not the USUAL PINK COLOR of the rest of your species. You were instead born with a BRIGHT ORANGEY-BROWN COLORATION associated with the BLOOD COLOR of a CERTAIN WHEELCHAIR-BOUND HOMESTUCK TROLL. However, you do not particularly seem to care about your UNUSUAL COLORATION, as all you strive for is to make other Pokemon and people around you AS HAPPY AS POSSIBLE through the powers of LOVE and FRIENDSHIP. You are EXTREMELY OPTIMISTIC in your worldview- certainly much more than TEKKAN is- and LOVE seeing other people and Pokemon HAPPY. This is a very admirable trait, but your naturally naive nature sometimes will lead you to believe that EVERYONE can be redeemed through these powers-- a trait which, notably, is one of the few you do not share with one IAN POLLYANNA SALBERG. You would have been willing to try to REDEEM THE FANATIC. He was not. In that regard, SALBERG has far more sense than you do, given that THE FANATIC CAN NOT BE REASONED WITH. If you were in ALTERNIA, YOU WOULD HAVE BEEN CULLED. IMMEDIATELY. For the most part, though, you have a GENUINE HEART OF GOLD and are willing to help everybody you come across. Like SALBERG, you enjoy MEETING AND TALKING TO new people and POKEMON, and desire more than anything else to have a TRAINER. You are also EXTREMELY EXCITEABLE, though not as exciteable as TEKKAN. Then again, though, it shouldn't really be that surprising that you are so similar to SALBERG-- and one FEFERI PEIXES-- personality-wise, considering that your basis god is APHRODITE. Yes, I know, wrong kind of love, and wrong gender, but you're too innocent to realize what Aphrodite was ACTUALLY THE GODDESS OF.
In addition, you also have similar tastes to SALBERG in terms of your INTERESTS. You have a massive fascination with MOE ANIME, MAGICAL GIRL ANIME, and literally EVERY ANIME that has anything to do with the powers of LOVE and FRIENDSHIP. You are not interested in SUPERHERO OR KAIJU MOVIES like SALBERG is, though, largely due to your DISTASTE OF VIOLENCE. Additionally, you are JAPANESE-FLUENT and would likely be able to converse with IAN, EVELYN, KAMUI, and KENDALL for hours on end... if you were their Pokemon. You also have a love of TEACHING and would teach people about JAPANESE ALL DAY LONG if they wanted. You're obviously not going to speak Japanese right now, of course. As you are a JIGGLYPUFF, you also enjoy SINGING SONGS, but you will only put your opponents to sleep with them if you are ACTUALLY ATTACKING. Or singing RIVENDELL. There are a GREAT DEAL OF BANDS THAT YOU LIKE, including DREAM THEATER, HUEY LEWIS AND THE NEWS (who wrote a full-fledged song entitled THE POWER OF LOVE), and your PERSONAL FAVORITE, JOURNEY. Additionally, you enjoy IDOL ANIME, and like hearing and SINGING ALONG to ANIME SOUNDTRACKS, particularly if said soundtrack has an IMAGE SONG or two on it. In a STRIFE… well, you don’t particularly enjoy STRIFES. You’re not really a fan of VIOLENCE, and would much rather prefer to settle things PEACEFULLY. When you are forced to battle, though, there is ONE MOVE you enjoy using above all others. Fittingly enough, it’s SING. Go figure. In addition, you also favor DEFENSE, and enjoy using your DEFENSE CURL move to raise your DEFENSES to ABSURDLY HIGH LEVELS. If you were a HOMESTUCK TROLL and you had a STRIFE SPECIBUS, it would be a MICROKIND ABSTRATUS.
In about 35 minutes WAAPT time, you will be noticed and caught by one AXIS HUNTER.
Your Hasslemon handle (once you have it) will be cherubicAnimation (CA) and @> you tend to speak in a cute, high-pitched voice that makes it very clear of your L-O-V-E for everyone around you!! <3
Level of Homestuck familiarity: Only a little bit.
- Met: J-Con 2021
- Ability: Cute Charm
- Favorite Move: Sing
- Nature: Naive
- Characteristic: Alert to sounds
- Ball: Poke
- Evolves in: https://tvtropes.org/pmwiki/posts.php?discussion=12971269370a74820100&page=23029#575719
- Hasslemon typing quirk:
@> Every text opens with an "at" symbol and a greater-than sign (representing a rose) and ends with a less than sign followed by a 3 (representing a heart). In addition, the words L-O-V-E and FRIEND-SHIP look like this. <3
Known Moves
: Sing, Disable, Defense Curl, Copycat
: Sweet Kiss
- Puxiki's name is derived from puxika, the Basque word for "balloon", which references Jigglypuff and Wigglytuff being known as the Balloon Pokemon.
- According to Goldenheart388, Puxiki's Hasslemon handle is cherubicAnimation (CA). The word "cherubic" means "cutesy or angelic", which likely references Puxiki's Fairy typing and his naivete. Additionally, Cupid is a rather famous example of a cherub, and is associated with love, which ties back in to Puxiki's corresponding Greek goddess Aphrodite. "Animation", meanwhile, serves as both a reference to Puxiki's excitable nature and his love of anime (anime itself is just the Japanese word for animation of any kind, not just the ones made in Japan). Additionally, all of Axis Hunter's Pokemon share their Hasslemon handle abbreviation with that of a Homestuck troll; Puxiki's handle abbreviation, CA, matches that of Eridan (caligulasAquarium (CA)).
- According to Goldenheart388, Puxiki's regular character theme is "My Name is Love" by Amy Diamond and his Broadway character theme is "The Power of Love" from the musical adaptation of Back to the Future. The latter song was initially going to be Puxiki's regular character theme as well; had it stayed, it would have made Puxiki the second Pokemon that Goldenheart388 has written for to have this distinction (the first being Joel).
- Puxiki's corresponding Greek goddess is Aphrodite, the goddess of love, beauty, pleasure, procreation, and passion. This ties back into Puxiki's immense belief in the powers of love and friendship, as well as his excitability and love of anime (though given his naive nature, the words "love", "pleasure", and "passion" are seen as solely platonic rather than the actual sexual definitions that Aphrodite was the goddess of). By proxy, his corresponding sign is Taurus, his corresponding Homestuck troll in terms of sign is Tavros Nitram, and his corresponding Homestuck troll in terms of personality is Feferi Peixes.
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