Delta Pokémon
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Delta Pokémon are Pokemon that have been mutated in the Holon region to have differing types and sometimes Abilities from their mainline brethren, in some cases in a scientifically unethical manner. In WAAPT canon Delta Pokemon are not limited to the types listed in the TCG, and even within individual species the typing can differ immensely. Amongst non-Deltas they are often treated poorly and ostracized, and the Pokémon League prohibits their unregistered use in tournaments.
Known Delta Pokémon
- Chloro the Flygon♀ (
- Holly the Garchomp♀ (
- Ferno the Charizard♂ (
- Francis the Ledian♀ (
- Magellan the Flygon♂ (
- Rocky the Rhydon♂ (
- Tempest the Feraligatr♂ (
- Thyme the Serperior♀ (
- Vektor the Haxorus♂ (
) (OU only)
- Jemma the Skitty♀ (
- Igneous the Tyranitar♂ (
) (OU) (
) (AU)
- Solstice the Espeon♂ (
- Twilight the Umbreon♀ (
- Gorga the Mightyena♀ (
- Jetpelt the Persian♂ (
- Widefoot the Liepard♂ (
- Snowpelt the Absol♂ (
- Princess Devilotte de Deathsatan IX the Kirlia♀ (
- Röntgen the Luxray♂ (
- Chirin the Flaffy♂ (
- Hildr the Donphan♀ (
- Chimera the Growlithe♀ (
- Nightmare and Spirit the Stantler♂ (
- Ellen the Golurk (
- Erwin the Beheeyem♂ (
- Diantos the Snorlax♂ (
- Pyribbit the Politoed♂ (
- Rikuo the Zorua (