Siegbert Ginnung

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Seigbert has had an unusual life. He was the son of OU!Gudrunn and a mysterious suitor (read: he's the result of THAT ONE GUDRUNN X VAESPAR FIC I put IN A CERTAIN DISCORD CHANNEL), and was put up for adoption shortly before OU!Gudrunn went full Alovye. Regardless with his Impidimp partner, and his PHENOMENAL OBSCURIC POWERS, he set out to find the truth about himself... And eventually found it asking a Xatu, learning not only the truth about his origins but also that his mother would rise again. Then he got a bit overexcited, dragged his starter and the Xatu through a time portal, and is seeking to help his mother become the best dark lord she can be so he can be too. Nepotism, yo! Along the way he eventually finds Storm...


Siegbert Ginnung's Team



  • Has a crush on Storm he won't admit


  • [pending]
Siegbert's Team
On Hand : Krampus861Mini.pngNorn178Mini.png
As last seen in: Sinnoh

Umbra's NPCs
Wild Mons : Bozaka149Mini.pngGorga262Mini.png*Haar612Mini.png*Minerva0635Mini.pngMaleficent612Mini.pngDarter330Mini.pngAurus448Mini.pngShade571Mini.pngPudge352Mini.png*Sister Grimm429Mini.pngXu567Mini.pngCortez477Mini.pngMia123Mini.png*Major Monogram615Mini.pngCarl613Mini.pngNero Claudius741bMini.pngNicolas Flamel392Mini.pngThe Rabbids293Mini.pngFou133Mini.pngLoki (Ditto)132Mini.pngMemory Stalker796Mini.png
Team Alex : Alex373Mini.pngDexter162Mini.pngHelga534Mini.pngLyle169Mini.pngCree200Mini.pngDanny448Mini.png
The Seven : Doc131Mini.pngHappy184Mini.pngSneezy295Mini.pngBashful460Mini.pngSleepy518Mini.pngDopey618Mini.pngGrumpy0635Mini.png
Legendaries : Tornadus and Thundurus641Mini.png642Mini.pngWaka381Mini.pngCrown!Raikou243Mini.png*Crown!Entei244Mini.png*Crown!Suicune245Mini.png*Persephone (Shaymin)492Mini.pngIlya646WMini.pngWalt491Mini.png Kaguya380Mini.png*Shiranui250Mini.pngKiki380Mini.pngYveltal717Mini.pngBartelby151Mini.pngLoki (Zygarde)718Mini.pngLa791Mini.pngMahina792Mini.pngGladion's Silvally773Mini.pngHeracles646BMini.pngVoyd800Mini.pngMerlin719Mini.pngMithos151Mini.pngThetis490Mini.png
Enforcers Of The Warp : ReinaGinaSoraZumiLeeya
Other Humans : AnthonyMonicaRenDuolis*OdinPollyAnna 247MedeusSeishirou*Fuuma*DaveAlonya PolnochIzayaDr. MultimanGiselleTrinaSquirpsRodLauraAphrodite ClavisH. G. CrossMaurice The AcceptablePatrick RagnarPavo The EvokerSiegbert GinnungStormSylvestra MacraulSylvestre MacraulVictor MoreauBromelia VyneCincinnatusCoil AelfricIris AelfricOlivia HallowJustice AtreyaMichelle MacraulMogRisky NettleSer Luise TrindigardDavid MacraulKuroi KiriCalabria MessinaJustinian the Awesome
Nega-Counterparts : LuciusNagaBorisZeke
Other : AlphosStevePlushiesLunar PendantOran OSKolemm