WAAPT:Current events

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This section archives relevant events in the roleplay by date to assist in finding information.

Past major events in the roleplay can be found in the Recap Page, which is usually quite out of date.

Compare and contrast the Arc Index and the Background Lore Index.

Currently Playing

  • Hoenn-2
  • Return to the AU


  • [TS]: Time-shenanigan'd
  • [AU]: Taking place in the AU.
  • [Meta]: Real-world event.


Previously On: October 2015

November 1

  • Sakura and Blitz have a talk regarding the latter's insecurities.

November 2

November 3

November 4

November 5

  • Duke and Blitz talk about taking on a Pokemon League.
  • [TS] Umbra reveals more about Shadedrake's past history.

November 6

  • [TS] Ren challenges and defeats Glacia and Drake.

November 7

November 8

November 9

November 10

November 11

  • [Meta] Veteran's Day.
  • [TS] Zinnia steals Ren's Key Stone out of his Mega Cane.
  • [TS] Slouch and Tagg meet up again.
  • Bluebell finishes the MAD, starting Chapter 1: "I Once Was Lost".

November 12

November 13

  • [Meta] Friday the 13th.
  • [TS] Crow loses his Key Stone to Eskay in the ensuing scuffle.
  • Tagg is asked by Steven to meet with him and Mr. Stone at Devon Corp.
  • Steven and Silent meet at the former's house.

November 14

  • The Stones inform Tagg of a meteor on a collision course with Earth, and the J-Team starts a hunt for Meteorite Shards.

November 15

  • More of the J-Team learns about the killer meteor.

November 16

  • Part of the J-Team starts converging on the Granite Cave.
  • Robin and Sawtooth meet Zinnia in Granite Cave and start battling her.
  • Yveltal and Waka both take the form of Sephiroth to troll Mezzo.

November 17

November 18

November 19

November 20