Monotype Trainers
A listing of Trainers who specialize in training a single type.
Monotype Trainers
- Ammy, Anka, Anom
- Malgent, Mezzo, Paresse, Isbrand, Jetta, Ferris
- Other!Alli, Morvas, Robin, Siobhan, Valorie, Yukuno
- Zeke
- Mimmy, Noelle
- Constantin, Dylan, Lily, Mallory
- Cleo de Nile, Eric Clavis, Eros, Jenna, Lane Heiden, Vilkas, Jessica
- Brie, AU!Diane, Fortis, Jet
- Benedicta, Dardanette, Other!Every, Teresa, Zilah de Nile
- Alice, Hajime, Mia
- Braden
- Brynhilde, Elise, Pianis, Shard, Krete
- Vincent, Silvio, Traitor, Vega, Senator Armitage, Jonathan Halliburton
- Amanita, Other!Eskay, Ignia
- Nico, Psyche
- Clara Clavis, Matthew, Mustapha de Nile, Sophie
- Albert de Nile, Athena, Claire, Ellen, Madame Theodora
- All, Alyssa, Arika, Francis, Reaver, Ryklys, Other!Solana
Eros and his harem
Eros and his various romantic partners all specialize in a certain Pokemon type, listed here as a subcategory.