
From We Are All Pokémon Trainers
Revision as of 06:26, 8 July 2012 by Sixthhokage1 (talk | contribs)
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Diesel is Every's Kricketune and starter.


Age: 7

Birthday: June 3

Nature: Adamant

Ability: Swarm

Met: Route 202 (Kricketot)

Ball: Poke

Favorite Move: Sing

Likes: Music, Battling, Lettuce

Dislikes: Atonal noise, excessive heat, Felis


Diesel tends towards the down-to-earth, and is frequently the one to snap Every or Breeze out of their stranger moments. However, he's also utterly obsessed with music, to the point of exerting a borderline dictatorial influence over Every's choice in captures. He's also quite literal-minded, taking most statements at face value.

Abilities In Battle

As a Kricketune, Diesel doesn't have much by way of movepool. However, what he does have he makes good use of. A decent range of differently-typed cutting attacks allow him to strike for massive damage on most types, and when all else fails a Sing attack will frequently be used to put the opponent in a more agreeable state.

Known Moves: Sing, Slash, X-Scissor, Silver Wind, Night Slash, Bug Buzz, Fury Cutter, False Swipe, Aerial Ace, Brick Break


Diesel was caught on Route 202, when Every stopped to eat lunch and Diesel stole it. After this, when Every attempted to continue towards Rowan's Lab to get a starter, Diesel blocked the way and forced Every to begin his Pokemon journey. This has set the tone for their relationship over the years.


  • Caused time itself to freeze due to a prolonged Sing attack.
  • Helped quell Nihilist!Tagg once.
  • Oneshotted all of Sidney's Pokemon in less than a minute.
  • Knocked out 18 Pokemon at once using Perish Song.


Diesel is Every's starter, and as such Every never goes anywhere without Diesel.

Diesel and Breeze, as Every's first two Pokemon, are very good friends.

Ever's Team
On Hand : Pleth254Mini.pngMuninn778Mini.pngNarrow741sMini.pngCustard784Mini.pngEstoc752Mini.pngCross754Mini.png
Boxed : Salamence334Mini.pngSolace359Mini.pngSpathi373Mini.pngDrift593mMini.pngEphemera678fMini.pngLetter 680Mini.png
Released :Slam195Mini.pngFade426Mini.pngGyru437Mini.pngToxicroak454Mini.pngSubwoof294Mini.png
Other : Metentis356Mini.pngLarva563Mini.pngFourier131Mini.pngSkoll229Mini.png
Deceased: Must357Mini.png
On Hand - Alternate Universe : Nylon542Mini.pngBlobble579Mini.png
Released - Alternate Universe : Vibra537Mini.pngWraith609Mini.pngWhirl620Mini.pngGyru601Mini.png
Another Universe : Rush392Mini.pngLattice478Mini.pngGuardian563Mini.pngHive0442Mini.pngCrucible429Mini.pngDisaster426Mini.pngOvermind770Mini.png
As last seen in: Paldea Arc