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{{Character Table|name=Crow Thomson|gender=Male|age=17|home=Lavender Town, Kanto|nickname=N/A|pokeform=Murkrow|starter=[[Gogie]]}}
[[File:Sholto HumanAndHonchkrow.png|thumb|200px|Portrait of Sholto as both a human and Honchkrow. (Commission by [http://rex-draco.deviantart.com/ RexDraco])]]
First appearance: Page 7511
"Well, Bert, looks like you were wrong. There is a way to do it. Even if it's highly dependent on a large ruse and an inefficient means of transformation."
Crow is a 17-year old, relatively new trainer from Kanto. He has the ability to speak with Ghost Pokemon, being taught by his mother, who was a Chaneller in Pokemon Tower before it was converted to a radio tower. Since running into [[Umbra]] and [[Lina]] in a Pokecenter in Pewter City and them letting some things he found interesting slip, Crow has joined the group in order to find out more interesting things.  
'''Sholto''' is a 27-year old Werehonchkrow trainer from Lavender Town, as well as a member of [[Shun Hontou]]'s team and former member of [[Lawrence Cain]]
's. He is rather trusting, to the point where he's unintentionally helped people with less than pure intentions and joined [[Team Neo-Galactic]] with the purpose of trying to convince [[Lawrence Cain|Lawrence]] to turn to the side of good. He is generally in a good mood, though somewhat eccentric, desribing things as interesting or Sneasel-y semi-frequently. He also has a desire to find out secrets and eavesdrops a bit, though has been doing it less often than he did when he first joined. He knows how to communicate with ghosts due to [[Jody Thomson|his mother's]] instruction. He also has a lack of knowledge of almost anything pop-culture related to an amusing degree. He has embraced his Honchkrow side more upon becoming a weremon to the point of being in that form exclusively.
== Crow's Team ==
= General Info =
'''Human Name''': Crow Thomson
'''Gender''': Demimale
'''Age''': 29
'''Place of Birth''': Lavender Town, Kanto
'''Obtained''': Neo-Galactic HQ, Kalos (Lawrence), Sootopolis City, Hoenn (Shun)
'''Ball''': Poké
'''Birthday''': March 9th, 1995
'''First Appearance''': Page 7511
'''Ethnicity''': Japanese/German/French
'''Starter''': Gogie
'''Nature''': Naive
'''Ability''': Super Luck
= OU =
== History ==
=== Pre-Debut ===
Not too much was out of the ordinary with Sholto's early life for the most part, besides [[Jody Thomson|his mother]] teaching him how to talk to Ghost-type Pokémon. A bit before his 10th birthday, his parent's Pokemon, Phud and Cody, gave birth to [[Gogie|a Poochyena]] who later joined his team as his first Pokemon. Sometime from an incident involving a vengeful mother Marowak to the conversion of Pokémon Tower into a Radio Tower, he also caught [[Ghostus|a rather angry Haunter]].
When he was around 15, he headed out at a first attempt at a Pokémon Journey, though he ended up battling [[Jay|a girl]] and her [[Herbert (Jay)|Gurdurr]] trying to steal his Mightyena, which bothered them both enough to stop the journey at that.
=== Kanjoh-2 ===
Around 2 years later, he began his journey proper, having more success this time, beating a Gym Leader and catching [[Fisher|two]] [[Venomous|more]] Pokémon, before running into [[Umbra|some]] [[Lina|members]] [[Ammy|of]] [[Crewe|the]] [[J-Team]] in Pewter, finding out some interesting things from them, and vowing to travel with them to discover more interesting things.
Recently after joining the team, he was chased by [[Sticy Lips|a wild Lickitung]], which he inadvertantly caught. At some point later, he got involved in a not-especially-elaborate trading sequence to get Lina a birthday gift, in which he received [[FeSO₄|a Magnemite]] from the GTS. Sometime after this, he joined [[Straw]] and Crewe in a search for [[Prometheus (Glitch)|an Invisible Shiny Bulbasaur]], during which he encountered the girl again, who was still interested in stealing his Mightyena. To try and be more prepared, Sholto caught [[Raser|a Mankey]] because he assumed most of Jay's Pokemon were weak to Fighting-type.
A while later, after visiting back home during a Halloween Party, Sholto encountered Jay again. He offered to battle her, risking Gogie, because she had a pendant that was stolen from Crewe, whose function Sholto was not yet aware of. Sholto lost the battle, and Gogie in the process, so decided to try and train harder in an attempt to get him back. He originally attempted to conceal his problem, but due to Crewe's searching for her pendant, he was assumed to have stolen it himself, but decided to tell the others what had happened. A bit later, with the help of [[Tagg]], they were able to find Jay, subdue her, and get Gogie back. In the process, though, Sholto found out Gogie had felt abandoned, though they had a talk and all was mostly well.
Shortly after this, Sholto discovered a H -> P Armband, which he then used to become a Murkrow. During this, he got caught in [[Crowley]]'s plans to take over Goldenrod, though exactly what happened with the takeover attempt is unknown. Around Christmas, the group decided they would head to Crewe's Cave. While he was up there, Sholto got lost in a mist generated by [[Glöckchen|a Snover]] and ended up catching her. Sholto also received [[Finn|a Gible Egg]] as a Christmas present.
Since then, due to not having as much to do, Sholto started challening Gyms in Johto again. He also managed to catch [[Rhyrhy|a Rhyhorn]] in the Safari Zone. Shortly afterwards, Finn's egg hatched and he ended up taking on [[Likewise]] as a team member when Crewe went missing.
=== Unova-2 ===
=== Holon ===
Little of note happened involving Sholto as the team headed to Holon City, other than [[Chirin|a Mareep]] joining the team.
After spending a bit in Holon City and everyone was talking about their ancestors, Sholto discovered he was cousins with Jacob and [[Edge]] was his ancestor.
Sometime after the scientists had been mostly taken care of, Sholto encountered someone named [[Verax]] and acted in his usual way. He ended up discovering that his Hydreigon, [[Balthazar (Verax)|Balthazar]], was a Shadow Pokemon, though, and, as a result, was attacked by Verax and had to be hospitalized. He was released about a week later after Tagg shook him like the Happy Mask Salesman for telling Verax things he probably shouldn't have.
=== Orre ===
=== Kalos ===
=== Ranger-2 ===
=== Johto Mini-Arc ===
=== Hoenn-2 ===
== Sholto's Team ==
{{Mon Box|93Haunter.png|Ghostus|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|262Mightyena.png|Gogie|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|79Slowpoke.png|Fisher|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|093Haunter.png|Ghostus|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|48Venonat.png|Venomous|gender=female}}
{{Mon Box|199Slowking.png|Fisher}}
{{Mon Box|49Venomoth.png|Venomous|gender=female}}
{{Mon Box|463SticyLips.png|Sticy Lips|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|462Magnezone.png|FeSO₄}}
{{Mon Box|57Primeape.png|Raser|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|460Abomasnow♀.png|Glöckchen|gender=female}}
{{Mon Box|445mGarchomp.png|Finn|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|464fRhyperior.png|Rhyrhy|gender=female}}
{{Mon Box|164Noctowl.png|Likewise|gender=female}}
{{Mon Box|045mVileplume.png|Mandrake|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|28Sandslash.png|Slashkreyd|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|617Accelgor.png|Liliendolch|gender=female}}
{{Mon Box|221mPiloswine.png|Eisschwein|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|156Quilava.png|Akim'bleer|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|181Ampharos.png|Chirin|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|030Nidorina.png|Ruby|gender=female}}
{{Mon Box|051Dugtrio.png|Old Cave|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|278Wingull.png|Jolly|gender=female}}
{{Mon Box|229mHoundoom.png|Dawg|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|652Chesnaught.png|Trainwreck}}
{{Mon Box|663Talonflame.png|Lisa|gender=female}}
{{Mon Box|210Granbull.png|Angelica|gender=female}}
{{Mon Box|711GourgeistSmall.png|Chariot|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|624Pawniard.png|Hookwolf|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|687Malamar.png|Teacher|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|714Noibat.png|Festival|gender=female}}
{{Mon Box|133Eevee.png|Kick Magnet|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|477Dusknoir.png|Omicron|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|635Hydreigon.png|Gamma|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|373Salamence.png|Alpha|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|260Swampert.png|Fishy|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|314Illumise.png|Wirrbelle|gender=female}}
{{Mon Box|068Machamp.png|E-Bird|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|200Misdreavus.png|Airhead|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|679Honedge.png|Anubis|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|246Larvitar.png|Rockabye|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|099Kingler.png|Vanitas|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|019AlolanRattata.png|Clean Bandit|gender=female}}
{{Mon Box|427Buneary.png|Charlotte|gender=female}}
{{Mon Box|659Bunnelby.png|Benny|gender=male}}
== Moves==
{{MovepoolTable/Begin|name=Notable Moves | fg=#38B0DE | bg=#820BBB | }}
{{MovepoolTable/Data| Double Team|Normal|TM| link=veekun | performance=4 | notes=Likes to use to annoy his opponents}}
{{MovepoolTable/Data| Thunder Wave|Electric|TM| link=veekun | performance=5 | notes=Often used to hinder opponents}}
* {{typeicon|Normal}} Confide, Facade, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, Mean Look, Mimic, Protect, Retaliate, Swagger, Whirlwind
* {{typeicon|Fire}} Sunny Day
* {{typeicon|Water}} Rain Dance
* {{typeicon|Ice}} Haze
* {{typeicon|Flying}} Aerial Ace, Fly, Peck, Roost, Sky Attack, Tailwind, Wing Attack
* {{typeicon|Psychic}} Calm Mind
* {{typeicon|Ghost}} Astonish, Confuse Ray, Night Shade
* {{typeicon|Dark}} Assurance, Feint Attack, Foul Play, Nasty Plot, Pursuit, Sucker Punch, Taunt
== Notable Possesions ==
* A standard outfit of purple shirt and blue jeans
* A similar outfit that can be converted to shorts or a long sleeved shirt with clasps
* A Honchkrow cosplay from Fortis
* A Honchkrow fedora from Selene
* A suit with Honchkrow feathers in Honchkrow colors from Ren
* A prophecy of doom that ended up being self fulfilling
* A large, somewhat overweight Murkrow plushie from Jacob
* A music box with a lighthouse statuette built on to it from Jacob
* A Neo-Galactic Uniform with a helmet sewn on
* A Poke Ball Badge-shaped communicator from Titan
* An Aura Jammer altered by Lucius to work on Psychics too
* A taser
* A Key Stone held in a toy Pretty Cure Heart Perfume he accidentaly got from Maggie
* A pewter Mightyena pendant
* A pair of [[Sunblock Bands]]
* An Assortment of TMs including:
** {{typeicon|Normal}} Confide, Facade, Flash, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, ''Mimic'', Protect, Retaliate, Safeguard, Swords Dance, ''Work Up'', ''Whirlwind''
** {{typeicon|Fire}} Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Overheat, Sunny Day
** {{typeicon|Water}} Rain Dance, Scald
** {{typeicon|Electric}} Charge Beam, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Wild Charge
** {{typeicon|Grass}} Grass Knot
** {{typeicon|Ice}} Blizzard, Hail, Ice Beam
** {{typeicon|Fighting}} Bulk Up, Focus Blast, Low Sweep, Power-Up Punch
** {{typeicon|Poison}} Poison Jab, Venoshock
** {{typeicon|Ground}} Bulldoze, Dig
** {{typeicon|Flying}} Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Roost, ''Sky Attack''
** {{typeicon|Psychic}} Calm Mind, Light Screen, Reflect
** {{typeicon|Bug}} Infestation, Struggle Bug
** {{typeicon|Rock}} Rock Tomb, Sandstorm, Stone Edge
** {{typeicon|Dragon}} Dragon Tail
** {{typeicon|Dark}} Fling, Hone Claws
** {{typeicon|Steel}} Gyro Ball
** {{typeicon|Fairy}} Dazzling Gleam
== Relationships ==
* Sholto is in a relationship with [[Lisa]] which started out as a pseudo-relationship to try and convince her family she didn't get captured by a trainer.
* Sholto is second cousins with [[Jacob]] and [[Verax]]. The former he has a decent relationship with, if at times aggravted by his stubbornness. The latter is a bit more awkward due to him trying to kill Sholto twice and Sholto almost killing him, though they try to be on better terms.
* Sholto has a decent relationship with [[Ray Thomson|his]] [[Jody Thomson|parents]], generally trying to keep in contact
* Sholto is also distantly related to [[Maggie]] and [[Jay]], getting along okay with the former despite her reluctance. The latter, having tried to steal [[Gogie]] thrice, he sees in a much more negative light.
* Sholto also happens to be distantly related to the Kalosian Cains on his mother's side.
* Sholto is a quasi-apprentice of [[Tagg]]'s.
* Sholto considers himself friends with [[Ever]], [[Straw]], and [[Ren]] even though they have periods in which they don't see each other much.
* Sholto sees [[Titan (Galactic)|Titan]] in a better light compared to other J-Team members, and tried to serve as a morality pet towards him.
* Sholto and [[Lucius]] got off fine initially, but grew apart somewhat when he started getting closer to Titan.
* Sholto and [[Psyche]] have yet to get along ever since she and Lucius decided to get even with Titan, though after some talks, he's got some willingness to bury the hatchet.
* [[Cassidy Japes|Cass]] is part of his mob.
* As far as recurring villains go, he is especially not fond of [[Allen]], [[Mammor]], and [[Zrone]].
* He is not fond of [[Alice]] due to the circumstances of their meeting.
* He doesn't really get along with [[Lyuri]] either, even if she probably doesn't have any particular thoughts about him.
* [[Archer]] from the [[Lillifuture]] is his second cousin once removed on his father's side due to being the child of [[Verax]] and [[Paula Jaide|Paula]].
* [[Trill]] is their child with Lisa.
== Alternate Forms ==
'''Human''': Original default. Is fine with it, though generally prefers Honchkrow if it isn't inconvenient.
= AU =
== History ==
Crow's history in the AU is largely similar to that in the OU, except for the last year, roughly. Gogie took longer to be ready to head out on the journey, so he didn't start his journey until a bit before the dragons started using the monification bombs. As a result, he was turned into a Murkrow. He was able to escape from Saffron and return to his home in Lavender, though, with the help of [[Vrang]] and [[Lyuri]].
== Crow's Team ==
{{Mon Box|108Lickitung.png|Sticy Lips|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|262Mightyena.png|Gogie|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|82Magneton.png|Magneton|gender=other}}
{{Mon Box|093Haunter.png|Ghostus|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|57Primeape.png|Raser|gender=male}}
== Pokéform Stats ==
== Moves ==
'''Ability:''' Super Luck
=== As a Murkrow{{mini|198}}===
'''Known Moves:'''
'''Ability''': Super Luck
* {{typeicon|Ice}} Haze
* {{typeicon|Ice}} Haze
Line 32: Line 240:
* {{typeicon|Dark}} Pursuit
* {{typeicon|Dark}} Pursuit
{{Crow's Team}}
== Relationships ==
= Otherverse =
== History ==
== Crow's Team ==
{{Mon Box|262Mightyena.png|Gogie|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|093Haunter.png|Ghostus|gender=male}}
{{Mon Box|278Wingull.png|Jolly|gender=female}}
{{Mon Box|67Machoke.png|Emblem|gender=male}}
== Moves ==
=== As a Togepi{{mini|175}}===
'''Ability''': Super Luck
* {{typeicon|Normal}} Growl
* {{typeicon|Fairy}} Charm
== Relationships ==
* Sholto is about 5'7" tall as a human
* As a human, has also gone by 烏(Karasu), Corbeau, and Krähe
* Other nicknames in various uses include Albert, Triton, and Beta.
* Sholto is panromantic asexual.
= Gallery =
[[File:Mousa ShoultoSuit.png|center|thumb|Portrait of Sholto wearing his Honchkrow suit to disguise himself as human. (Commission by [http://mousart.tumblr.com/post/155543946401/one-fully-coloured-commission-for-my-friend MousaThe14])]]
[[File:AutobotTesla Sholto.png|thumb|center|Portrait of Sholto. (Commission by [http://autobottesla.tumblr.com/post/130794912488/dongkarasu-honchkrow-the-big-boss-31st-5 autobottesla])]]
[[File:AudGreen_-_Human!Sholto.jpg|center|thumb|Portrait of Sholto's Human form wearing Ren's Honchkrow Suit. (Commission by [http://audgreen.deviantart.com/art/Honchkrow-Style-584277135 Audrey Greenhalgh])]]
{{Shun's Team}}
{{Sholto's Team}}
{{Lawrence Cain's Team}}
[[Category:Male Trainers]]
[[Category:Male Trainers]]
[[Category:Trainers from Kanto]]
[[Category:Trainers from Kanto]]
[[Category:Male Pokémon]]
[[Category:Shun's Pokémon]]
[[Category:Titan's Pokémon]]
[[Category:Player Characters]]
[[Category:Hearts of Gold]]
[[Category:Trainers in the Hall of Fame]]
[[Category:Team Galactic]]
[[Category:LGBT+ Characters]]
[[Category:Cain Family]]

Latest revision as of 23:23, 24 July 2024

Portrait of Sholto as both a human and Honchkrow. (Commission by RexDraco)

"Well, Bert, looks like you were wrong. There is a way to do it. Even if it's highly dependent on a large ruse and an inefficient means of transformation."

Sholto is a 27-year old Werehonchkrow trainer from Lavender Town, as well as a member of Shun Hontou's team and former member of Lawrence Cain 's. He is rather trusting, to the point where he's unintentionally helped people with less than pure intentions and joined Team Neo-Galactic with the purpose of trying to convince Lawrence to turn to the side of good. He is generally in a good mood, though somewhat eccentric, desribing things as interesting or Sneasel-y semi-frequently. He also has a desire to find out secrets and eavesdrops a bit, though has been doing it less often than he did when he first joined. He knows how to communicate with ghosts due to his mother's instruction. He also has a lack of knowledge of almost anything pop-culture related to an amusing degree. He has embraced his Honchkrow side more upon becoming a weremon to the point of being in that form exclusively.

General Info

Human Name: Crow Thomson

Gender: Demimale

Age: 29

Place of Birth: Lavender Town, Kanto

Obtained: Neo-Galactic HQ, Kalos (Lawrence), Sootopolis City, Hoenn (Shun)

Ball: Poké

Birthday: March 9th, 1995

First Appearance: Page 7511

Ethnicity: Japanese/German/French

Starter: Gogie

Nature: Naive

Ability: Super Luck




Not too much was out of the ordinary with Sholto's early life for the most part, besides his mother teaching him how to talk to Ghost-type Pokémon. A bit before his 10th birthday, his parent's Pokemon, Phud and Cody, gave birth to a Poochyena who later joined his team as his first Pokemon. Sometime from an incident involving a vengeful mother Marowak to the conversion of Pokémon Tower into a Radio Tower, he also caught a rather angry Haunter.

When he was around 15, he headed out at a first attempt at a Pokémon Journey, though he ended up battling a girl and her Gurdurr trying to steal his Mightyena, which bothered them both enough to stop the journey at that.


Around 2 years later, he began his journey proper, having more success this time, beating a Gym Leader and catching two more Pokémon, before running into some members of the J-Team in Pewter, finding out some interesting things from them, and vowing to travel with them to discover more interesting things.

Recently after joining the team, he was chased by a wild Lickitung, which he inadvertantly caught. At some point later, he got involved in a not-especially-elaborate trading sequence to get Lina a birthday gift, in which he received a Magnemite from the GTS. Sometime after this, he joined Straw and Crewe in a search for an Invisible Shiny Bulbasaur, during which he encountered the girl again, who was still interested in stealing his Mightyena. To try and be more prepared, Sholto caught a Mankey because he assumed most of Jay's Pokemon were weak to Fighting-type.

A while later, after visiting back home during a Halloween Party, Sholto encountered Jay again. He offered to battle her, risking Gogie, because she had a pendant that was stolen from Crewe, whose function Sholto was not yet aware of. Sholto lost the battle, and Gogie in the process, so decided to try and train harder in an attempt to get him back. He originally attempted to conceal his problem, but due to Crewe's searching for her pendant, he was assumed to have stolen it himself, but decided to tell the others what had happened. A bit later, with the help of Tagg, they were able to find Jay, subdue her, and get Gogie back. In the process, though, Sholto found out Gogie had felt abandoned, though they had a talk and all was mostly well.

Shortly after this, Sholto discovered a H -> P Armband, which he then used to become a Murkrow. During this, he got caught in Crowley's plans to take over Goldenrod, though exactly what happened with the takeover attempt is unknown. Around Christmas, the group decided they would head to Crewe's Cave. While he was up there, Sholto got lost in a mist generated by a Snover and ended up catching her. Sholto also received a Gible Egg as a Christmas present.

Since then, due to not having as much to do, Sholto started challening Gyms in Johto again. He also managed to catch a Rhyhorn in the Safari Zone. Shortly afterwards, Finn's egg hatched and he ended up taking on Likewise as a team member when Crewe went missing.



Little of note happened involving Sholto as the team headed to Holon City, other than a Mareep joining the team.

After spending a bit in Holon City and everyone was talking about their ancestors, Sholto discovered he was cousins with Jacob and Edge was his ancestor.

Sometime after the scientists had been mostly taken care of, Sholto encountered someone named Verax and acted in his usual way. He ended up discovering that his Hydreigon, Balthazar, was a Shadow Pokemon, though, and, as a result, was attacked by Verax and had to be hospitalized. He was released about a week later after Tagg shook him like the Happy Mask Salesman for telling Verax things he probably shouldn't have.




Johto Mini-Arc


Sholto's Team

Sticy Lips
Old Cave
Kick Magnet
Clean Bandit


Notable Moves
Type Move Acquisition Performance ??? Notes
TypeNormal.gif Double Team TM ★★★★ Likes to use to annoy his opponents
TypeElectric.gif Thunder Wave TM ★★★★★ Often used to hinder opponents
The list above may not be exhaustive. ID=Sholto

  • TypeNormal.gif Confide, Facade, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, Mean Look, Mimic, Protect, Retaliate, Swagger, Whirlwind
  • TypeFire.gif Sunny Day
  • TypeWater.gif Rain Dance
  • TypeIce.gif Haze
  • TypeFlying.gif Aerial Ace, Fly, Peck, Roost, Sky Attack, Tailwind, Wing Attack
  • TypePsychic.gif Calm Mind
  • TypeGhost.gif Astonish, Confuse Ray, Night Shade
  • TypeDark.gif Assurance, Feint Attack, Foul Play, Nasty Plot, Pursuit, Sucker Punch, Taunt

Notable Possesions

  • A standard outfit of purple shirt and blue jeans
  • A similar outfit that can be converted to shorts or a long sleeved shirt with clasps
  • A Honchkrow cosplay from Fortis
  • A Honchkrow fedora from Selene
  • A suit with Honchkrow feathers in Honchkrow colors from Ren
  • A prophecy of doom that ended up being self fulfilling
  • A large, somewhat overweight Murkrow plushie from Jacob
  • A music box with a lighthouse statuette built on to it from Jacob
  • A Neo-Galactic Uniform with a helmet sewn on
  • A Poke Ball Badge-shaped communicator from Titan
  • An Aura Jammer altered by Lucius to work on Psychics too
  • A taser
  • A Key Stone held in a toy Pretty Cure Heart Perfume he accidentaly got from Maggie
  • A pewter Mightyena pendant
  • A pair of Sunblock Bands
  • An Assortment of TMs including:
    • TypeNormal.gif Confide, Facade, Flash, Giga Impact, Hyper Beam, Mimic, Protect, Retaliate, Safeguard, Swords Dance, Work Up, Whirlwind
    • TypeFire.gif Fire Blast, Flamethrower, Overheat, Sunny Day
    • TypeWater.gif Rain Dance, Scald
    • TypeElectric.gif Charge Beam, Thunder, Thunder Wave, Thunderbolt, Volt Switch, Wild Charge
    • TypeGrass.gif Grass Knot
    • TypeIce.gif Blizzard, Hail, Ice Beam
    • TypeFighting.gif Bulk Up, Focus Blast, Low Sweep, Power-Up Punch
    • TypePoison.gif Poison Jab, Venoshock
    • TypeGround.gif Bulldoze, Dig
    • TypeFlying.gif Acrobatics, Aerial Ace, Roost, Sky Attack
    • TypePsychic.gif Calm Mind, Light Screen, Reflect
    • TypeBug.gif Infestation, Struggle Bug
    • TypeRock.gif Rock Tomb, Sandstorm, Stone Edge
    • TypeDragon.gif Dragon Tail
    • TypeDark.gif Fling, Hone Claws
    • TypeSteel.gif Gyro Ball
    • TypeFairy.gif Dazzling Gleam


  • Sholto is in a relationship with Lisa which started out as a pseudo-relationship to try and convince her family she didn't get captured by a trainer.
  • Sholto is second cousins with Jacob and Verax. The former he has a decent relationship with, if at times aggravted by his stubbornness. The latter is a bit more awkward due to him trying to kill Sholto twice and Sholto almost killing him, though they try to be on better terms.
  • Sholto has a decent relationship with his parents, generally trying to keep in contact
  • Sholto is also distantly related to Maggie and Jay, getting along okay with the former despite her reluctance. The latter, having tried to steal Gogie thrice, he sees in a much more negative light.
  • Sholto also happens to be distantly related to the Kalosian Cains on his mother's side.
  • Sholto is a quasi-apprentice of Tagg's.
  • Sholto considers himself friends with Ever, Straw, and Ren even though they have periods in which they don't see each other much.
  • Sholto sees Titan in a better light compared to other J-Team members, and tried to serve as a morality pet towards him.
  • Sholto and Lucius got off fine initially, but grew apart somewhat when he started getting closer to Titan.
  • Sholto and Psyche have yet to get along ever since she and Lucius decided to get even with Titan, though after some talks, he's got some willingness to bury the hatchet.
  • Cass is part of his mob.
  • As far as recurring villains go, he is especially not fond of Allen, Mammor, and Zrone.
  • He is not fond of Alice due to the circumstances of their meeting.
  • He doesn't really get along with Lyuri either, even if she probably doesn't have any particular thoughts about him.
  • Archer from the Lillifuture is his second cousin once removed on his father's side due to being the child of Verax and Paula.
  • Trill is their child with Lisa.

Alternate Forms

Human: Original default. Is fine with it, though generally prefers Honchkrow if it isn't inconvenient.



Crow's history in the AU is largely similar to that in the OU, except for the last year, roughly. Gogie took longer to be ready to head out on the journey, so he didn't start his journey until a bit before the dragons started using the monification bombs. As a result, he was turned into a Murkrow. He was able to escape from Saffron and return to his home in Lavender, though, with the help of Vrang and Lyuri.

Crow's Team



As a Murkrow198Mini.png

Ability: Super Luck

  • TypeIce.gif Haze
  • TypeFlying.gif Peck
  • TypeGhost.gif Astonish
  • TypeDark.gif Pursuit




Crow's Team



As a Togepi175Mini.png

Ability: Super Luck

  • TypeNormal.gif Growl
  • TypeFairy.gif Charm



  • Sholto is about 5'7" tall as a human
  • As a human, has also gone by 烏(Karasu), Corbeau, and Krähe
  • Other nicknames in various uses include Albert, Triton, and Beta.
  • Sholto is panromantic asexual.


Portrait of Sholto wearing his Honchkrow suit to disguise himself as human. (Commission by MousaThe14)
Portrait of Sholto. (Commission by autobottesla)
Portrait of Sholto's Human form wearing Ren's Honchkrow Suit. (Commission by Audrey Greenhalgh)
Shun's Team
On Hand: Gregson302Mini.pngMorstan605Mini.pngFerrier504Mini.pngSholto430Mini.png
As last seen in: Entralink Arc

Sholto's Team
On Hand/Challenger's Cave/Elsewhere : Gogie262Mini.pngGhostus093Mini.pngFisher199Mini.pngVenomous049Mini.pngSticy Lips463Mini.pngFeSO₄462Mini.png
Ruby030Mini.pngOld Cave051Mini.pngJolly278Mini.pngDawg229Mini.pngTrainwreck652Mini.pngLisa663Mini.png
Angelica210Mini.pngChariot711Mini.pngHookwolf624Mini.pngTeacher687Mini.pngFestival714Mini.pngKick Magnet133Mini.png
E-Bird068Mini.pngAirhead200Mini.pngAnubis679Mini.pngRockabye246Mini.pngVanitas099Mini.pngClean Bandit019aMini.png
AU : Gogie262Mini.pngGhostus093Mini.png
Otherverse : Gogie262Mini.pngGhostus093Mini.pngJolly278Mini.pngEmblem067Mini.png
As last seen in: Neo-Sinnoh

Lawrence's Team
On Hand: Epsilon464Mini.pngIota376Mini.pngOmega392Mini.png
Temporarily Owned: Regina282Mini.pngCrewe215Mini.png
Betrayed By: Sidious065Mini.png
Released: Alpha373Mini.pngBeta430Mini.pngGamma635Mini.pngOmicron477Mini.png
As last seen in: PEFE HQ