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After the timelines were split off, AU!Every found himself with a destroyed home city and dead parents. He blamed OU!Every for not doing enough to prevent this, and by extension most things to do with the original timeline.  
After the timelines were split off, AU!Every found himself with a destroyed home city and dead parents. He blamed OU!Every for not doing enough to prevent this, and by extension most things to do with the original timeline.  
== Trivia ==
*Due to time spent as a Dunsparce, Every has a tendency to accidentally paralyze people or Pokemon through sufficient glaring.
== Pokémon ==
== Pokémon ==

Revision as of 17:06, 3 July 2013


Every (full name Every Memito) is a more or less completely random trainer, hailing from Nimbasa. He joined the group at the Gold Conference, meeting and talking to them many times before eventually deciding to travel with them...or them deciding to take him along, whichever. Even he's not entirely sure. Since joining the group, Every has met legendaries, been turned into a Dunsparce, sucked into an alternate universe, fallen in love, been immobilized for extended periods of time twice, missed a mutagenic Charizard party, and experienced a short stint as a member of the New Team Aqua.


Every has been friends with Onion since childhood, after a bizarre incident involving Krokorok. Though the two separated for a long stretch of time, they have recently reunited. Every also had a crush for a time on Onion's sister, Shallot.

Every is going out with Mezzo, as of the AU arc.

Aside from at least a vague acquaintance with all group members, Every is good friends with Rex.

Further Details

Age: 17

Birthday: January 12

Starter: Diesel the Kricketune (Male)

First Appearance: Page 2074

Pokéform: Dunsparce

Favorite Color: Blue.

Likes: Training, Red Vines, Nimbasa, Learning new things

Dislikes: Cold, heights, water, being startled, Ariados

In the AU

AU!Every never went to Sinnoh, instead taking his Pokemon journey in Unova. He caught a completely different team, and the start of the AU arc found him about to reenter Nimbasa.

After the timelines were split off, AU!Every found himself with a destroyed home city and dead parents. He blamed OU!Every for not doing enough to prevent this, and by extension most things to do with the original timeline.


  • Due to time spent as a Dunsparce, Every has a tendency to accidentally paralyze people or Pokemon through sufficient glaring.


Ever's Team
On Hand : Pleth254Mini.pngMuninn778Mini.pngNarrow741sMini.pngCustard784Mini.pngEstoc752Mini.pngCross754Mini.png
Glimmer609Mini.pngArc395Mini.pngScramble886Mini.pngOracle818Mini.pngSpaghetti855Mini.pngJust851Mini.pngMisery858Mini.pngLace570hMini.png Cornflower937Mini.png
Boxed : Salamence334Mini.pngSolace359Mini.pngSpathi373Mini.pngDrift593mMini.pngEphemera678fMini.pngLetter 680Mini.png
Released :Slam195Mini.pngFade426Mini.pngGyru437Mini.pngToxicroak454Mini.pngSubwoof294Mini.png
Other : Metentis356Mini.pngLarva563Mini.pngFourier131Mini.pngSkoll229Mini.png
Deceased: Must357Mini.png
On Hand - Alternate Universe : Nylon542Mini.pngBlobble579Mini.png
Released - Alternate Universe : Vibra537Mini.pngWraith609Mini.pngWhirl620Mini.pngGyru601Mini.png
Another Universe : Rush392Mini.pngLattice478Mini.pngGuardian563Mini.pngHive442Mini.pngCrucible429Mini.pngDisaster426Mini.pngOvermind770Mini.png
As last seen in: Paldea Arc