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* Due to time spent as a Dunsparce, Ever has a tendency to accidentally paralyze people or Pokemon through sufficient glaring.
* Due to time spent as a Dunsparce, Ever has a tendency to accidentally paralyze people or Pokemon through sufficient glaring.
* While almost all the Pokemon on Ever's team have some type overlap, the only two with the same type are [[Spathi]] and [[Salamence]].
* In addition to his extreme susceptibility to ghosts, Ever also has a peculiar capacity to interact with them. Despite Ghost-type Pokémon usually being able to turn intangible, Ever has no difficulty poking, hugging, or petting them.
* In addition to his extreme susceptibility to ghosts, Ever also has a peculiar capacity to interact with them. Despite Ghost-type Pokémon usually being able to turn intangible, Ever has no difficulty poking, hugging, or petting them.

Revision as of 20:08, 5 November 2017



Ever (full name Ever Memito and formerly Every Memito) is a more or less completely random trainer, hailing from Nimbasa. He joined the group at the Gold Conference, meeting and talking to them many times before eventually deciding to travel with them...or them deciding to take him along, whichever. Even he's not entirely sure. Since joining the group, Ever has met legendaries, been turned into a Dunsparce, sucked into an alternate universe, fallen in love, been immobilized for extended periods of time twice, missed a mutagenic Charizard party, and experienced a short stint as a member of the New Team Aqua.

Infinity Keystone Arc

Ever spent the beginning of this arc searching for tears in the Mesprit area of Sinnoh, and later helped with Azelf's tears. After eastern Sinnoh was cleared of Twilight, however, Ever spent the remainder of the arc in Sunyshore, helping Fortis start her career as a trainer. At one point in the arc, he challenged the Sinnoh Elite 4, and while he reached Lucian, he lost in the end.


Ever was one of the earlier entrants into the PMD world, and was turned into a Dunsparce. While he spent most of his time there helping Magolor replace the parts of his ship, between White Wafers and Nutty Noon he and his team assisted in keeping Toxicroak, Fade, and Gyru from taking control over the fourth wall.


Ever's goal during this arc was to complete the Johto League. He completed the Gyms and reached Lance, but was defeated by Lance's Dragonite.

In addition to this, Ever participated in the final two levels of the Return to Dream Land arc, and fought All and Lily several times.

At the end of Kanjoh-2, Ever was teleported to Unova after Lily attempted to kidnap Mezzo.


Once again, Ever's goal here was to complete the Unova League. For the first time in his life, he managed to defeat the champion.

Ever also helped seal a horrifying Dream Rift that had opened in Humilau City, and participated in both the sealing of the reopening rifts and the sealing of the final Dream Rift that had opened over the Entralink.


Ever was not active in Holon.


While in Gateon Port, Ever was taken captive by a Cipher Peon, and brainwashed into serving Cipher. He is currently under their control, where his achievements include the snagging of Maekrite.

Towards the end of the arc, he was reclaimed by Mezzo, Lily, and Ryklys, and assisted in the final raid against Cipher, where he battled and nearly defeated a Latios using the flyers on his team.

Shortly thereafter, he ran into All and had a battle with him, afterwards changing his name from Every to Ever and altering his appearance substantially.


Feeling like he needed a fresh start upon arriving in Kalos, Ever boxed his team, with the exception of Skoll, and caught a new team to take on the Kalos League. He defeated the Elite 4, but was confronted by Slam in lieu of the champion, and lost to his old Quagsire. After the battle, Ever decided to reintroduce his old and new teams.

Ranger-2 and Johto

Ever was not up to much in Ranger-2, though he did obtain Pleth during this time.


While in Hoenn, Ever decided to rechallenge the Gyms, less out of a pressing need to and more out of a desire to train his new team members Pleth and Must. During this time, he also encountered the Jims, a series of ramshackle buildings run by an Indeterminate Person who repeatedly attempted to kill Ever using things greatly resembling Pokémon.

Upon arriving at the League, Must revealed himself to be Muninn, the Latios that Ever and his team had fought back in Orre. Ever was severely injured during this battle, but succeeded at killing the Latios.

In the aftermath of the arc, Ever obtained Brushfire, a Fennekin that had been following him around in search of food.

In addition, Ever teamed up with Amanita, Brie, and even All to rescue PEFE!Every, who had been kidnapped by an unknown enemy. Upon finding her, they met Revy II, who attempted to enlist them in her goal to revive their shared ancestor. Ever battled Cornelia, who had been sealed into a mech suit that greatly enhanced her abilities. Upon finally defeating Revy II, Ever took custody of Cornelia.

Re: Glitch

Mostly seeking to train Brushfire and Cornelia, Ever avoided the official Gyms in Sinnoh, which he had already beaten. Instead, he challenged the Jims. During this time, he was also forced to confront his somewhat cavalier attitude towards his own life.

Due to an unspecified debt, he spent most of the finale selling swords, though he did participate in the Lanius battle due to his personal hatred of the Samurott.


Arriving in Alola, Ever once again boxed most of his team, except for Pleth. The first Pokémon he found in Alola turned out be Muninn, who had been reincarnated as a Mimikyu. Deciding to teach Muninn to be a better person, Ever obtained the rest of his Alola team to give the ex-Latios some new faces to interact with. During this process, he realized he had no means of moving between islands, and began making peculiar deals with even more peculiar people to get from place to place.

Ever's Alola team gave him a number of new goals, most notably the acquisition of nectar to turn Narrow into their Sensu Form. However, he was unable to enter Poni Meadow until he had completed the League Challenge, which left him stuck.

Ever spent most of Alola, as a result, wandering around more or less aimlessly. At one point, he went with Amanita and Brie to retrieve something Revy had hidden in a grotto near Seafolk Village, only to lose his left arm to the Kartana that had taken up residence there.

Ever spent most of the remainder of the arc drifting around, and getting increasingly more in touch with his ghostly side. During this time, he made increasing use of an inexplicable ability to translocate himself in or out of situations. He also spent some time assisting PEFE!Every while she was stranded in Alola, particularly during her work with Mobius.

Entralink Arc

After the rifts broke open, Ever decided he'd been putting off his Island Challenge for long enough, and completed it in a single day.


Ever is usually friendly and outgoing. He isn't fond of violence beyond the friendly sort, and has a tendency to sleep a lot. He does tend toward insecurity on occasion.

As Ever has gotten older, while the core of his personality has not changed significantly, he's adopted a different outlook on the world. Particularly after the events of Orre and Hoenn-2, he's made a conscious effort to be both more pragmatic and more perceptive, at the same time increasingly refusing to take situations seriously or really apply deep emotion. He realized his tendency towards this trait during the Re: Glitch arc, and has been attempting to curb it as well, particularly attempting to value his own life a little more.

Ever has developed a mischievous streak, particularly towards people who put on a stoic face.

Ever loves ghosts, the fae, and just about anything supernatural. This couples with a general lack of resistance to mental influence to make Ever unnaturally susceptible to things such as possession, mind control, and fae bargains. While he manages this facet of himself as best he can, even exploiting it to allow ghosts to move him from place to place, it often leads him into trouble.

Has a Mindscape.

Battle Style

Ever allows his team a lot of freedom to innovate during battles, and does his best to play to each Pokémon's individual strengths and interests. His general approach is to set up complicated field states using unusual interactions of different moves, followed by a single finishing strike.


After changing his appearance, Ever dyed his hair blue and changed his entire wardrobe to blues of varying shades. His theory is that once you've become sufficiently blue, you stand out so much you go around the edge of the scale and become inconspicuous.

Alternate Outfits:


Ever has been friends with Onion since childhood, after a bizarre incident involving Krokorok. Though the two separated for a long stretch of time, they have recently reunited. Ever also had a crush for a time on Onion's sister, Shallot.

Ever is going out with Mezzo, as of the AU arc.

Aside from at least a vague acquaintance with all group members, Ever is good friends with Rex.

Ever is currently Tagg's apprentice.

While he does his best not to be, Ever is somewhat apprehensive around Sarah, due to a number of incidents between her and Mezzo, most notably a several-week body swap between the two.

Ever is distant cousins with All, Amanita, Brie, and PEFE!Every, and all five are descendants of Revy. Save for Brie, he has issues getting along with all of his cousins for various reasons. However, he firmly considers them to be family.

Further Details

Age: 21

Birthday: January 12, 1996

Starter: Diesel the Kricketune (Male)

First Appearance: Page 2074

Pokéform: Dunsparce

Favorite Color: Blue.

Likes: Training, Red Vines, Nimbasa, learning new things, ghosts

Dislikes: Cold, heights, water, being startled, Ariados, loss of control, Cipher

Notable Possessions

  • A thicker jacket for cold weather.
  • A Chimecho costume with a bell and ribbon
  • A Dunsparce costume
  • A Salamence costume
  • A Dunsparce-shaped pillow
  • A plush Purrloinsparce (shared with Mezzo)
  • A Porygon-Z plush
  • A laptop, used for browsing the Internet and switching around Pokemon
  • Several reusable TMs, notably the ones for Rain Dance and Protect, as well as Surf and Fly HMs.

In the AU

AU!Ever never went to Sinnoh, instead taking his Pokemon journey in Unova. He caught a completely different team, and the start of the AU arc found him about to reenter Nimbasa.

After the timelines were split off, AU!Ever found himself with a destroyed home city and dead parents. He blamed OU!Ever for not doing enough to prevent this, and by extension most things to do with the original timeline.

For a while, AU!Ever (still going by Every) wandered the earth, over this time most of his team, save Nylon and Blobble, left him. He found himself once again in Nimbasa when the mon bombs were dropped, and he was turned into a Dunsparce. Shortly thereafter, Blobble kidnapped Every, separating him from Nylon. The two came across AU!Mezzo, who rescued Every from Blobble but wanted nothing to do with him, despite Every's tagging along with them to Black City.

When Black City was taken over by dragons, Every and Mezzo were confined to a small apartment. From within this, they conducted messages to various Unovan mons, putting together a small army to oust the dragons. Over this time, Every fell in love with Mezzo, and confessed his feelings after the defeat of the dragons.


  • Due to time spent as a Dunsparce, Ever has a tendency to accidentally paralyze people or Pokemon through sufficient glaring.
  • In addition to his extreme susceptibility to ghosts, Ever also has a peculiar capacity to interact with them. Despite Ghost-type Pokémon usually being able to turn intangible, Ever has no difficulty poking, hugging, or petting them.


First Mons (and Spathi)


Later Mons


Kalos mons


Ranger-2 mons


Hoenn-2 mons


Re: Glitch mons


Alola mons

Ever's Team
On Hand : Pleth254Mini.pngMuninn778Mini.pngNarrow741sMini.pngCustard784Mini.pngEstoc752Mini.pngCross754Mini.png
Glimmer609Mini.pngArc395Mini.pngScramble886Mini.pngOracle818Mini.pngSpaghetti855Mini.pngJust851Mini.pngMisery858Mini.pngLace570hMini.png Cornflower0937Mini.png
Boxed : Salamence334Mini.pngSolace359Mini.pngSpathi373Mini.pngDrift593mMini.pngEphemera678fMini.pngLetter 680Mini.png
Released :Slam195Mini.pngFade426Mini.pngGyru437Mini.pngToxicroak454Mini.pngSubwoof294Mini.png
Other : Metentis356Mini.pngLarva563Mini.pngFourier131Mini.pngSkoll229Mini.png
Deceased: Must357Mini.png
On Hand - Alternate Universe : Nylon542Mini.pngBlobble579Mini.png
Released - Alternate Universe : Vibra537Mini.pngWraith609Mini.pngWhirl620Mini.pngGyru601Mini.png
Another Universe : Rush392Mini.pngLattice478Mini.pngGuardian563Mini.pngHive442Mini.pngCrucible429Mini.pngDisaster426Mini.pngOvermind770Mini.png
As last seen in: Paldea Arc