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* '''Age:''' 14-15
* '''Age:''' 14-15
* ''Birthday:''' Sometime in either 2002 or 2003
* '''Birthday:''' Sometime in either 2002 or 2003
* '''Met:''' Route 119, Hoenn
* '''Met:''' Route 119, Hoenn
* '''Ability:''' Chlorophyll
* '''Ability:''' Chlorophyll

Revision as of 05:08, 12 November 2017

Tagg's Tropius was one of the Pokémon he acquired during his first adventure in the Hoenn region.


A rather sarcastic Pokémon, and very serious in nature despite the weirdness he gets into, Tropius more or less serves as the Lancer to Muddy's Hero, and unofficially serves as team pantry. He is also somewhat skilled with computers, being capable of using Magical Leaf to type.


  • Age: 14-15
  • Birthday: Sometime in either 2002 or 2003
  • Met: Route 119, Hoenn
  • Ability: Chlorophyll
  • Ball: Ultra

Battle Strategy

Tropius is rather slow, so he tends to use Sunny Day to activate Chlorophyll and make himself faster as a result, as well as giving him the ability to fire no charge Solarbeams and use better Growths. He also carries a pouch so that he can pull out Berries for Natural Gift.

Known Techniques

  • TypeDragon.gif Dragon Pulse
  • TypeFire.gif Sunny Day
  • TypeFlying.gif Aerial Ace, Air Slash, Fly
  • TypeGrass.gif Energy Ball, Giga Drain, Grass Knot, Leaf Storm, Magical Leaf, Seed Bomb, Solarbeam, Worry Seed
  • TypeGround.gif Earthquake
  • TypeNormal.gif Growth, Body Slam, Flash, Natural Gift, Protect, Round, Whirlwind


  • Tropius' family is a herd of Tropius living on Route 119 whose naming conventions are based on whatever Berries they're growing under their chins, with Oran and Sitrus being his parents, and Yache being his "annoying little brother".
  • For some weird reason, Tropius and Basket seem to always have missed meeting eachother over the years, only properly meeting in 2011.


  • Helped Tagg win both in the Hoenn League and the Mt. Battle Challenge.

Tagg's Team
On Hand: Gras908Mini.pngKinsho624Mini.pngNatron0934Mini.pngPelly941Mini.pngTercio128paMini.pngYagi963Mini.png
Reserve Team: Hitodama609HitodamaMini.pngAkiko468Mini.pngTendril465Mini.pngPugh853Mini.pngTyl334Mini.pngGinny078gMini.png
Team Nova: Thresher598Mini.pngDoc531Mini.pngCrochet542Mini.pngVictini494SMini.pngKodama709Mini.pngLimna257LimnaMini.png
Training Apart:Cam818Mini.pngCorvus823Mini.pngYew832Mini.pngDoppler826Mini.pngAnthracite839Mini.pngHendrix849aMini.png
Boxed/At PEFE HQ: Audilith526Mini.pngVenusaur003Mini.pngSentinel623Mini.png Musashi503Mini.pngVanilluxe (Hoarfrost)584Mini.pngAliroz553Mini.png
Hitmonchan 107Mini.pngPica248Mini.pngArtemia516Mini.pngDarner469Mini.pngAnguis497Mini.pngAzumarill184Mini.png
Omnipresent: Xatu178Mini.png
Inside his Laptop: Trojan137PEFEMini.png
AU: Chilliwack470Mini.pngGarchomp445Mini.pngForecaster351Mini.pngNudi423EMini.pngAudilith526Mini.pngVenusaur003Mini.png
Helios636Mini.png Rampardos409Mini.pngDugtrio051Mini.pngLapras131Mini.pngDitto132Mini.pngTrollfisk618Mini.png
Roc398Mini.pngThresher597Mini.pngDoc531Mini.pngLimna255LimnaMini.pngVanilluxe (Hoarfrost)584Mini.png Feraligatr160Mini.png
Gengar094Mini.pngRaichu026Mini.pngPidgeot018Mini.pngAlgira283Mini.png Golem076Mini.pngMachamp068Mini.png
Jumpluff189Mini.pngHitmonchan 107Mini.pngGaia389Mini.pngOvis179Mini.pngBaylene321Mini.pngAquarius730Mini.png
Other!Verse: Espio352Mini.pngSakura421Mini.pngSam340Mini.pngRoland463Mini.pngNudi423EMini.pngGaia389Mini.png
Vanilluxe (Hoarfrost)584Mini.pngAudilith526Mini.pngThroh538Mini.pngGarchomp445Mini.pngLuxray405Mini.pngAzumarill184Mini.png
Released: Lanturn 171Mini.png
Unknown: Pelipper 279Mini.png
Temporary: Greedy Golett622Mini.png☣♪☼•é793Mini.pngKorexis635Mini.png
Keeping in Custody: Arundi797Mini.png
As last seen in: Paldea