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☣♪☼•é originally presented itself to Mezzo and attempted to convert her into a thrall on Route 17. It was a partial success; a [[Matthew Crescendo|Team Skull grunt]] saved her from it, but its poison infected her and corrupted her mind, eventually causing her to develop an obsession with meeting it again. During this time, Mezzo referred to it as "her" but there is no confirmation of a true "gender". It later met with Mezzo again in Haina Desert and successfully fused with her, causing her and her team to fight to protect it. Mezzo was freed from its corruption by a team consisting of [[Sunny (Mezzo)|Sunny]], [[Freya]], [[Tagg]], [[Vierr]], [[Krieg]], and [[Leeya]]. It was caught by Tagg using a Beast Ball.
☣♪☼•é originally presented itself to Mezzo and attempted to convert her into a thrall on Route 17. It was a partial success; a [[Matthew Crescendo|Team Skull grunt]] saved her from it, but its poison infected her and corrupted her mind, eventually causing her to develop an obsession with meeting it again. During this time, Mezzo referred to it as "her" but there is no confirmation of a true "gender". It later met with Mezzo again in Haina Desert and successfully fused with her, causing her and her team to fight to protect it. Mezzo was freed from its corruption by a team consisting of [[Sunny (Mezzo)|Sunny]], [[Freya]], [[Tagg]], [[Vierr]], [[Krieg]], and [[Leeya]]. It was caught by Tagg using a Beast Ball.
{{Tagg's Team}}
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[[Category:Genderless Pokémon]]
[[Category:Genderless Pokémon]]
[[Category:Tagg's Pokémon]]

Revision as of 08:44, 5 August 2017

☣♪☼•é is a Nihilego presumed to have entered this world through Ultra Space. It first appeared on Ula'Ula Island in the Alola region.

It speaks in a form of speech unknown to most lifeforms. Its name, as reported by its thrall translates to Exgal in our tongue.


None known. It seemed to be entirely fixated on corrupting Mezzo and bending her to its will.


☣♪☼•é originally presented itself to Mezzo and attempted to convert her into a thrall on Route 17. It was a partial success; a Team Skull grunt saved her from it, but its poison infected her and corrupted her mind, eventually causing her to develop an obsession with meeting it again. During this time, Mezzo referred to it as "her" but there is no confirmation of a true "gender". It later met with Mezzo again in Haina Desert and successfully fused with her, causing her and her team to fight to protect it. Mezzo was freed from its corruption by a team consisting of Sunny, Freya, Tagg, Vierr, Krieg, and Leeya. It was caught by Tagg using a Beast Ball.

Tagg's Team
On Hand: Gras908Mini.pngKinsho0983Mini.pngNatron0934Mini.pngPelly941Mini.pngTercio128paMini.pngYagi964Mini.png
Reserve Team: Hitodama609HitodamaMini.pngAkiko468Mini.pngTendril465Mini.pngPugh853Mini.pngTyl334Mini.pngGinny078gMini.png
Team Nova: Thresher598Mini.pngDoc531Mini.pngCrochet542Mini.pngVictini494SMini.pngKodama709Mini.pngLimna257LimnaMini.png
Training Apart:Cam818Mini.pngCorvus823Mini.pngYew832Mini.pngDoppler826Mini.pngAnthracite839Mini.pngHendrix849aMini.png
Boxed/At PEFE HQ: Audilith526Mini.pngVenusaur003Mini.pngSentinel623Mini.png Musashi503Mini.pngVanilluxe (Hoarfrost)584Mini.pngAliroz553Mini.png
Hitmonchan 107Mini.pngPica248Mini.pngArtemia516Mini.pngDarner469Mini.pngAnguis497Mini.pngAzumarill184Mini.png
Omnipresent: Xatu178Mini.png
Inside his Laptop: Trojan137PEFEMini.png
AU: Chilliwack470Mini.pngGarchomp445Mini.pngForecaster351Mini.pngNudi423EMini.pngAudilith526Mini.pngVenusaur003Mini.png
Helios636Mini.png Rampardos409Mini.pngDugtrio051Mini.pngLapras131Mini.pngDitto132Mini.pngTrollfisk618Mini.png
Roc398Mini.pngThresher597Mini.pngDoc531Mini.pngLimna255LimnaMini.pngVanilluxe (Hoarfrost)584Mini.png Feraligatr160Mini.png
Gengar094Mini.pngRaichu026Mini.pngPidgeot018Mini.pngAlgira283Mini.png Golem076Mini.pngMachamp068Mini.png
Jumpluff189Mini.pngHitmonchan 107Mini.pngGaia389Mini.pngOvis179Mini.pngBaylene321Mini.pngAquarius730Mini.png
Other!Verse: Espio352Mini.pngSakura421Mini.pngSam340Mini.pngRoland463Mini.pngNudi423EMini.pngGaia389Mini.png
Vanilluxe (Hoarfrost)584Mini.pngAudilith526Mini.pngThroh538Mini.pngGarchomp445Mini.pngLuxray405Mini.pngAzumarill184Mini.png
Released: Lanturn 171Mini.png
Unknown: Pelipper 279Mini.png
Temporary: Greedy Golett622Mini.png☣♪☼•é793Mini.pngKorexis635Mini.png
Keeping in Custody: Arundi797Mini.png
As last seen in: Paldea