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Maekrite is Silent's Nidorino; his most loyal companion and his second Starter Pokémon after Inka, and is actually her firstborn. A mid-leveled Pokémon with experience in field combat, escorting and protection, with high endurance, an adamant and highly judgmental personality. He is part of his Colony's patroller force (the Owsla). Maekrite was the first kit Inka and her mate ever had, the only of his litter; in the AU, the only kit the couple ever had. He was born late in the season and was taken with his family to PEFE Old HQ to live there for a while. At age two, Maekrite was assigned to be Silent's Pokémon by his colony. It is established in the AU that having met Silent was Maekrite's Constant. Whether this carries to the Other!verse as well is unknown.

Battle Technique

Maekrite was taught by his parents a variety of general combat techniques, and is built and trained to be a persistent attacker. He earned a position as colony patroller at about one year old and was eventually assigned as a guard to Silent.

Maekrite knows a wide range of techniques, acquired during his life by various means, like taught by his peers (Call for Family, Chip Away), by himself (Frustration, Sludge Bomb), enabled by a TM (Snatch, Thunderbolt), or by event (Morning Sun). Most of the detail of his movelist is available in the external characters page linked to here.

Among his skills, it can be mentioned that he is a good Practice Swinger, building momentum and power when an opponent evades his ramming, and an Extra Striker, using various measure to strike twice in short range such as swinging his paws and horn in different directions. He also has access to a EX Mode when using Focus Energy in certain circumstances that gives him a temporary health boost, among other bonuses.

Maekrite's Abilities are Poison Point, a physiological trait which allows him to pass poison to his opponent by physical contact, and Rivalry, which is a behaviour most Johto Nidos are trained in to be always alert and eager to ram an opponent.

Species / Morph Nidorino
Gender Male
Nature Adamant
Age Info born on Nov 25, yr 0 after PEFE
Poké Ball Moon Ball *
Obtained by Event in Sep 4th, yr 2 After PEFE
Movepool for Maekrite
Type Move Acquisition Performance ??? Notes
TypeFlying.gif Peck Natural ★★★
TypeNormal.gif Leer Natural ★★★ His dad's, not his mom's.
TypePoison.gif Poison Sting Natural ★★★
TypeFighting.gif Double Kick Natural ★★★
TypeNormal.gif Horn Attack Natural ★★★★★
TypeNormal.gif Fury Attack Natural ★★★ Has an anti-air variant based off the TCG.
TypeNormal.gif Call Partner Tutored ★★ Learnt from the Owsla.
TypeNormal.gif Chip Away Bred ★★ From Baluarkos.
TypeNormal.gif Focus Energy Natural ★★★★ Activates his EX-mode.
TypePoison.gif Sludge Bomb Tutored ★★★★ Started learning under the Owsla.
TypeNormal.gif Endure Tutored ★★★★ Learnt from the Owsla.
TypeWater.gif Water Gun TM From a G1 TM.
TypeElectric.gif Thunderbolt TM ★★★★
TypeIce.gif Ice Beam TM ★★
TypeGhost.gif Shadow Claw TM
TypeDark.gif Hone Claws TM ★★
TypeNormal.gif Horn Drill Tutored Learnt during the AU.
TypeNormal.gif Frustration Self-taught ★★★★ Learnt out of frustration during the OI.
TypeDark.gif Snatch PEFE-TM Acquired in the AU.
TypeNormal.gif Morning Sun Event Acquired from Ho-Oh.
TypeNormal.gif Strength HM ★★
The list above may not be exhaustive. ID=Maekrite

Moves yet to learn: Captivate, Poison Jab, Toxic Spikes, Helping Hand (tutored), Toxic (TM), Body Slam, Dig, Cut, and other moves as a Nidoking.


  • Achieved Owsla membership at about 20 months of age.
  • Battled and caught Dintel.
  • Destroyed PEFeDOS's Nidotoxin collectors and related facilities in the AU.
  • Achieved Owsla membership in the AU.
  • Was given EX-mode by Ho-Oh for services rendered during the AU war and for fulfilling a prophecy.
  • Trained Pierce and Teala in the Owsla ways.
  • Is a dad :3 (in the Other!verse and in the AU's future).


Maekrite is the target of the following shippings:

  • GuardianShipping (with Teala) -- canon in the AU timeline
  • ParagonShipping (with Lake)
  • PechaShipping (with Basket) -- canon in the Other!verse
  • unnamed shipping (with Orchid)

Maekrite has an actual mate, a 3-year old Nidorina named Crerah. The two are unofficially bred at the time of Unova-2 arc.

In the near future of the AU, Maekrite and Teala have gotten together. Their offspring, which they are stated by PMD-B to have had, is unknown as of yet.

In the Other!verse, Maekrite and Basket have three saplings called Ercilla, Dulles and Colombia.

Silent's Team
On Hand: Maekrite032Mini.pngDintel027Mini.png
Velvet Room: Cu Sith507Mini.png
"Digital World"(?): PEFEgon #0x0052
PEFE HQ / others: ---
At College: Sol196Mini.png
Retired / Released: Inka030Mini.png⁢⁇⁢⁇eon133Mini.png
Alternate Timeline: Inka031Mini.pngBaluarkos034Mini.png
Temporary / Borrowed: Xatu178Mini.pngRufus552Mini.png
Others: Celebi251Mini.pngunknown GenⅧ Pokémon?Mini.png
As last seen in: Re: Glitch