Diane Amarin

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Art by zu-art

Diane Amarin is the third PC of Eskay64.


Diane is a girl who spent the first fifteen years of her life believing humans had been extinct, after having lived in PMD-A for those years. She was introduced to humanity by Eskay and Skye, and it was revealed she was a human herself after she followed them through the portal to the Entralink.

In the AU

Diane's grandmother never traveled to PMD-A in the AU. Instead, she traveled to Johto, and raised a family in Ecruteak. As such, Diane ended up being Eskay's neighbor. However, she still liked birds a lot - the very trait that decided her Pokeform in the OU - which led her to become a Flying-type specialist, starting out with Aura, a Staraptor.


She is great friends with Ammy and Crewe, due to their similar history.

She, Skye, and Alyssa are all in a polyamorous relationship

She also happens to be really, really, really good friends with Galvani, due to their affinity for SCIENCE!

She is distant cousins with Wolf and Katie.

Other Details

  • Age: 22
  • Birthday: March 23, 1996
  • Ethnicity: Mixed-race (paternally black, maternally white)
  • Pokéform: Staraptor
  • Favorite color: Gold
  • Likes: Visiting new places, Skye, Alyssa, Galvani, a whole bunch of crazy stuff nobody else in their right mind would like to try
  • Dislikes: Secrets, liars, Totem, Paula
  • First appearance: Page 6146


  • Until January 2013, Diane was the only human PC without a "partner" Pokemon. She is still the only one without an "official" team.
  • Diane's grandmother never went to PMD-A in the AU timeline, one of the earliest known differences between the AU and the OU.
  • Diane was the youngest known member of PEFE until Maggie joined.
  • She wears a necklace with Veðrfölnir's feather on it.

Pokémon - OU

Diane does not have an "official" team, but she does consider Annie a close companion.


Pokémon - AU



Diane, Skye, and Alyssa sleeping together. (Commission by gabbiestuff.)

Diane's Team
On Hand - OU : Annie276Mini.png(Unofficial)
Boxed : None
Released : None
On Hand - AU : Aura398Mini.pngGust277Mini.pngForge006Mini.pngCumulo469Mini.pngDraven198Mini.pngWisp425Mini.png
On Hand - Otherverse : Unknown
As last seen in: Ecruteak City

Tangent - Tagg - Tracer - Silent

Other Researchers and Interns:

Anom - Jane - Every (PEFE) - Luke - Pentigan - Umbramatic - Gene - Jeff - Diane - Maggie - The Seven - Hikari - Jacob - Dr. al-Cygni - Professor Banana - Mendel - Echo

Non-Researcher Personnel:

Priscilla - Sterling - Sofia


Pokefutures Inc. - PEFE HQ - FutureOS - PEFEgon - PEFE Island - PEFEdex - PEFE Trackers - Gaim Rahm - Scythermen (Mia) - Dave