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* '''Birthday:''' February 28, 2010
* '''Birthday:''' February 28, 2010
* '''Age:''' 10
* '''Age:''' 14
* '''Met:''' Chargestone Cave, Unova (Ferroseed)
* '''Met:''' Chargestone Cave, Unova (Ferroseed)
* '''Ability:''' Iron Barbs
* '''Ability:''' Iron Barbs

Latest revision as of 10:44, 3 March 2024

Thresher is Tagg's Rocky Helmet wearing male Ferrothorn, who was first introduced during the GC Arc. While rather prickly to most other mons and humans outwardly, Abigail tends to bring the best in him. In the past he has had to deal with the problems of evolving and coming to terms with his feelings towards Abby.


As mentioned before Thresher is rather prickly to most mons and humans outwardly with the exception of Abigail, and can at times be rather snarky and rude. He also dislikes being surprised, as this can activate his defense mechanism, the ability to fire his spines at assailants.

As a cave dwelling mon, he tends to like hanging from ceilings. (Which can cause problems when he damages them.)


  • Birthday: February 28, 2010
  • Age: 14
  • Met: Chargestone Cave, Unova (Ferroseed)
  • Ability: Iron Barbs
  • Ball: Great

Battle Strategy

Thresher tends to rely mainly on using Curse to buff himself before attacking with Power Whip or Gyro Ball. He can also use Magnet Rise to fly and move more quickly when necessary.

Known Techniques

  • TypeDark.gif Payback
  • TypeElectric.gif Magnet Rise
  • TypeGhost.gif Curse
  • TypeGrass.gif Ingrain, Power Whip, Seed Bomb
  • TypeRock.gif Rollout
  • TypeSteel.gif Iron Head, Gyro Ball
  • TypeNormal.gif Protect, Rock Climb


  • Is in a romantic relationship with Abigail.
  • Is good friends with Doc, Crochet, Limna, and Victini, though he tends to snark about them.
  • Thresher finds Vanilluxe rather annoying, but asked for his help anyway indirectly concerning Abby.
Tagg's Team
On Hand: Gras908Mini.pngKinsho0983Mini.pngNatron0934Mini.pngPelly941Mini.pngTercio128paMini.pngYagi964Mini.png
Reserve Team: Hitodama609HitodamaMini.pngAkiko468Mini.pngTendril465Mini.pngPugh853Mini.pngTyl334Mini.pngGinny078gMini.png
Team Nova: Thresher598Mini.pngDoc531Mini.pngCrochet542Mini.pngVictini494SMini.pngKodama709Mini.pngLimna257LimnaMini.png
Training Apart:Cam818Mini.pngCorvus823Mini.pngYew832Mini.pngDoppler826Mini.pngAnthracite839Mini.pngHendrix849aMini.png
Boxed/At PEFE HQ: Audilith526Mini.pngVenusaur003Mini.pngSentinel623Mini.png Musashi503Mini.pngVanilluxe (Hoarfrost)584Mini.pngAliroz553Mini.png
Hitmonchan 107Mini.pngPica248Mini.pngArtemia516Mini.pngDarner469Mini.pngAnguis497Mini.pngAzumarill184Mini.png
Omnipresent: Xatu178Mini.png
Inside his Laptop: Trojan137PEFEMini.png
AU: Chilliwack470Mini.pngGarchomp445Mini.pngForecaster351Mini.pngNudi423EMini.pngAudilith526Mini.pngVenusaur003Mini.png
Helios636Mini.png Rampardos409Mini.pngDugtrio051Mini.pngLapras131Mini.pngDitto132Mini.pngTrollfisk618Mini.png
Roc398Mini.pngThresher597Mini.pngDoc531Mini.pngLimna255LimnaMini.pngVanilluxe (Hoarfrost)584Mini.png Feraligatr160Mini.png
Gengar094Mini.pngRaichu026Mini.pngPidgeot018Mini.pngAlgira283Mini.png Golem076Mini.pngMachamp068Mini.png
Jumpluff189Mini.pngHitmonchan 107Mini.pngGaia389Mini.pngOvis179Mini.pngBaylene321Mini.pngAquarius730Mini.png
Other!Verse: Espio352Mini.pngSakura421Mini.pngSam340Mini.pngRoland463Mini.pngNudi423EMini.pngGaia389Mini.png
Vanilluxe (Hoarfrost)584Mini.pngAudilith526Mini.pngThroh538Mini.pngGarchomp445Mini.pngLuxray405Mini.pngAzumarill184Mini.png
Released: Lanturn 171Mini.png
Unknown: Pelipper 279Mini.png
Temporary: Greedy Golett622Mini.png☣♪☼•é793Mini.pngKorexis635Mini.png
Keeping in Custody: Arundi797Mini.png
As last seen in: Paldea

Tangent's Team
On Hand : Basket357Mini.pngPankaja194Mini.pngRosary123Mini.pngLua156Mini.pngCephas074Mini.pngRufus552Mini.pngFuego105aMini.png
Tagging Along : Headpet694Mini.png
With Team Nova : Abby584Mini.png
Has Previously Borrowed : Thresher598Mini.png (from Tagg)
Alternate Universe (unofficially) : Basket357Mini.pngBarley357Mini.pngMint and Boldo357Mini.pngZoroarks Red and Blue571Mini.png
Another Universe : Roxy359Mini.pngCuyahoga006Mini.pngSam022Mini.pngBlenda405Mini.png
As last seen in: Entralink Arc