Sol (Silent)

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Revision as of 00:22, 24 November 2012 by VeniaSilente (talk | contribs) (Sol: <…Hey! I'm recategorized! But why is it a redlink? And why am I alone?>)
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(Not to be confused with Solana.)

Sol is Silent's Dream World Espeon, formerly trained by Luke.

She has the ability to see [notices] and paratext details in posts, which she gained shortly after temporarily transferring to Silent's team the first time (during the group's visit to the Mirage Tower). As such, she was able to notice things such as potholes, quotes and even forum syntax changing, which confused her to no end. She transferred back and forth with Luke for some time, such as in Lilycove City, where Silent bought various books for her to read.

During the group's visit to the PMD universe, Sol and Ichtacya fell into a portal that took them to a very weird universe where a young boy in green clothes and an accompanying pesky shining fairy shot flame arrows at them, wounding Ichtacya. After they finally managed to reach PMD-A, Sol had to set up a divination and clairvoyance stand in Treasure Town to get enough money to release Ichtacya from the town hospital. She used her paratext noticing abilities to get good earnings (though nowhere close to Shahinne's earnings during the same period). Sol later suggests Issun, who has a similar paratext-noticing ability, to set shop to earn some money.

Sol longs to move to somewhere where there's many books. Like for example the PEFE HQ.

She doesn't get along very well with Ichtacya, cat and dog, you know...

Luke's Team
On Hand : Lake160Mini.pngStratus149Mini.pngUnite628Mini.pngIzzy695Mini.png
Boxed / In Training : Comet006Mini.pngQuin028Mini.pngChord168Mini.pngWoolly181Mini.pngPhyco230Mini.pngTreeo254Mini.png
Flare257Mini.pngDusty330Mini.pngCrowley430Mini.pngWulfric448Mini.pngAd Min474Mini.pngGuardé475Mini.png
Handed over / Released : Pepper154Mini.pngSol196Mini.pngLimna257LimnaMini.pngLewis419Mini.pngHallow429Mini.pngHarriet430Mini.png
Alternate Timeline : Cinder157Mini.pngEon381Mini.png
As last seen in: Goldenrod City

Silent's Team
On Hand: Maekrite032Mini.pngDintel027Mini.png
Velvet Room: Cu Sith507Mini.png
"Digital World"(?): PEFEgon #0x0052
PEFE HQ / others: ---
At College: Sol196Mini.png
Retired / Released: Inka030Mini.png⁢⁇⁢⁇eon133Mini.png
Alternate Timeline: Inka031Mini.pngBaluarkos034Mini.png
Temporary / Borrowed: Xatu178Mini.pngRufus552Mini.png
Others: Celebi251Mini.pngunknown GenⅧ Pokémon?Mini.png
As last seen in: Re: Glitch