List of intimate relationships
Below is a list of all couples that are or were canon at some point in time. Note this does not include discussion of potential ships, which can be found here. WIP:
Are Together
- Artemira (Artemis + Mira)
- AutumnShipping (Mix + Butterscotch)
- Arikrome (Chrome + Arika).
- BackpackShipping (Alduin + Tiamat)
- Coparriet (Copahue + Harriet)
- Courtney + Sonny
- Craw (Crewe + Straw)
- DesertShipping (Spectrum + Goggles)
- Duniree (Dune + Galvani)
- EclipseShipping (Umbra + Ammy)
- EveryOtherUniverseShipping (Umbra + Lina, canon in (at least) every major universe other than the OU)
- Fortitu (Lakitu + Fortis) (Unrequited)
- Guardianshipping (Maekrite + Teala, canon in AU as of PMD-B history)
- Helios + Algira
- Inka + Baluarkos
- Kat + Sunrise
- Kenny (Kensei + Sunny)
- Kirk + Eowyn
- Lake + Nadia
- Lyuri + Duke
- MarceLily (Marceline + Lily)
- Mezzever (Mezzo + Ever)
- Mezzily (Mezzo + Lily, canon in the Otherverse)
- MineralShipping (Tagg's Vanilluxe + Audilith)
- NatureShipping (Tagg + Fool)
- Nico + Maggie
- Piamanita (Pianis + Amanita)
- Pi/Munn + Joseph
- Pechashipping (Maekrite + Basket, canon in the Other!verse)
- Psyrah (Psyche + Sarah)
- Also RL!Psychay (Author!Psyche x Author!Eskay)
- Queen'sKnightShipping (Jason + Queenie)
- Raser + Venomous
- Ripley + Rogue
- Sakurawst (Sakura + Rawst)
- Sambert (Samantha + Herbert)
- Shining Wolf (DS + Wolf)
- Skyane (Skye + Diane)
- Slliuq + Chum
- Sparq + Swindle
- Stellanova (Stella + Odd)
- Tagg + Ryklys (canon in one verse)
- Vinoa (Vinollo + Roa, canon in AU)
Were Together
(These couples were canon in the past but are no longer due to various reasons)
- Alyssa + Jeff (Reason: Drifted apart due to physical separation)
- Alyssigan (Alyssa + Pentigan)
- Crab (Crewe + Jab) (Reason: Didn't work out.)
- Daisigan (Daisy + Pentigan) (Reason: Didn't work out.)
- Dopants + Alli (Reason: Age difference)
- EveryOtherUniverseShipping (Umbra + Lina, OU-exclusive) (Reason: Lina dumped him, and was too late to take him back)
- Fortie (Forte + Katie) (Reason: Pianis disapproved)
- Japan (Jason + Pana) (Reason: Jason decided to be on platonic terms with her)
- Paularax (Paula + Verax) (Reason: Paula was banished to PMD-A)
- Pianis + Jenna (Reason unknown)
- Queenson ( Jason + Queenie) (Reason: Jason ended it to keep her away from the J-Teams danger factor.)
- ReshiLuke (Reshiram + Luke) (Reason: Couldn't work out)
Will be Together
(These couples are actually planned to be together, not just wish fulfillment)
List last updated June 14, 2014.