
From We Are All Pokémon Trainers
Revision as of 03:15, 26 November 2012 by Rmctagg09 (talk | contribs)
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Name: Richard
Nickname/Alias: Tagg
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Unknown
Age: 21
Height: Unknown
Ethnicity: Unknown
Birthday: July 3
Attribute: N/A
Trainer ID: N/A
Home: Nondescript town near Viridian City
Pokéform: Swampert
Starter: Venusaur
Status: Alive

Tagg is a 21 year old Pokemon Trainer (19 at the start of the RP) from a nondescript town near Viridian City in Kanto. A natural explorer, he happens to be one of the founding members of the PEFE and a fairly successful trainer, having been one for about 11 years of his life.


Tagg was born in that very same town, and often spent his early years exploring the backwoods surrounding his home. It was on one of these very occasions that he nearly became a Froslass' new ice sculpture at the age of six, but managed to get away through an accidental use of his Aura powers, something he wouldn't truly discover until years later. Tagg also had very little friends growing up, leading him to become very withdrawn for the most part, except where science and Pokemon were concerned.

The Start of A Very Long Journey: Kanto and Johto

At the age of 10, Tagg ended up visiting Pallet Town in order to get a starter Pokemon from Professor Oak to begin his Pokemon journey. Said starter Pokemon turned out to be a Bulbasaur, and Tagg decided to go out and get all eight Kanto badges, succeeding in doing so and becoming a Champion at the age of ten. Soon afterwards, he decided to try his hand at the second half of the Indigo League, eschewing his Kanto team for a new one forged in Johto. During both instances, he also served as a junior researcher for both Professor Oak and Elm.

Exploring Hoenn

When Tagg was 13 years old, he decided to try his hand at the Hoenn League. Coincidentally, his arrival in the region coincided with Team Aqua and Magma's attempts to capture Kyogre and Groudon.


Sometime after Hoenn, Tagg decided to visit Orre for relatively undefined reasons, though it was likely because he wanted to explore. While visiting he ended up exploring the Under and getting trapped down there when Cipher took it over. It was there when he witnessed a Cipher Peon brutally murder a Trainer and his mons for attempting to oppose them, and tried to add Tagg to that list, but he and his teammates managed to escape. After managing to escape, he met Megg of the Kids Grid and assisted them in combating Cipher before escaping to give word to the outside with the help of Nett. At some indeterminate time after the first Cipher incident was resolved, he ended up battling and winning against the former Cipher Admin Miror B., causing him to swear revenge for being defeated by a kid.

And Then What?: Joining the PEFE

The next two years of Tagg's life were mostly spent exploring and wandering up and down Pokepan, but he couldn't help but feel that something was misssing. At the age of 16, on the sixth anniversary of his training career, he came to visit Professor Oak in an attempt to find a direction in his life. Professor Oak informed Tagg of the PEFE, and he got in contact with Tangent not long afterwards. Sometime later he met up with Silent and Tracer at the old PEFE HQ, and together with Tangent the PEFE was forged.

The first couple months were spent doing research on various species either alone or in a group. However, it was one incident that truly changed their destinies. While doing research on the Swablu and Altaria populations of central Hoenn, Tagg, Silent, and Tracer were attacked by a group of firearm wielding poachers. Afterwards, upon examining a truck that the poachers were operating from, the trio of researchers found a rather unique symbol that they hadn't seen before. Around Christmas of that year Tangent figured out the origins of the symbol, that it belonged to a corporation known as Pokefutures Inc. operating out of the Angela region.

A few months afterwards, the PEFE Founders staged a raid on the main Pokefutures HQ in order to reveal their corrupt activities to the world, with Tagg's job being to make sure that the media got word of what was going on. Due to taking refuge in a Kantonese embassy, Tagg avoided getting arrested like the others. Due to sending Angela's economy in jeopardy as a result of their actions, Tagg and the other PEFEers ended up having to take over all of Pokefutures assets, leading to the PEFE's modern iteration being formed.

Sinnoh Adventures

An Eventful 18th Year

= Tagg in Other Universes

In the AU

Within the AU Tagg's life proceeded mostly the same way, except that he was present for the flooding of Hoenn and the Distortion, and that he never caught Hydreigon or Doc.


In the AU branch which became PMD-B, Tagg ended up founding the Brotherhood of Steel with his mons in Angela, and one of his descendants was High Elder during the events of PMD-R. In that timeline Tagg died in his 90s entombed with the Adamant Orb after fending off a raider invasion.

In the Otherverse

In the Another Universe Tagg became leader of the PEFE, though this incarnation is closer to what it was pre-Pokefutures than the OU or AU incarnations.


  • Assisted in taking down Pokefutures Inc.
  • Became Champion of the Kanjoh, Hoenn, Sinnoh, and Unova Leagues over the course of ten years.
  • Punched Ghetsis in the face.
  • Defeated the likes of Lance, N, and Blue over the course of the Gold Conference.
  • Tied with Fool during the GC.
  • Punched Cyrus in the face.
  • Became Orange League Champion.
  • Assisted in Annoski's defeat.
  • Talked the Master to death in tandem with the Vault Dweller.
  • Assisted in the defeat of the Lieutenant.


  • Is currently dating Fool.
  • Tagg considers Tracer to be the closest thing he's had to a best friend.
  • Tagg and Wolf have butted heads in the past, but have buried the hatchet between eachother.
  • Every has recently become Tagg's first apprentice.


  • Tagg was the oldest PC (beating Luke and DS by a few months) until Casval came along.
  • Tagg happens to be left handed.
  • When using Aura in combat, Tagg has shown a proficiency in weapon manipulation using his dagger, with confirmed forms consisting of swords, hammers, and a staff.
  • Out of the three trainers his exact age (DS, Luke, and himself), Tagg was the only one to start his journey at 10, making him the most experienced out of the three.
  • While more of a biologist by trade, Tagg does appear to have a sense of engineering and how to make explosives.
  • Tagg happens to be the only Trainer to have actively dealt with guns pointed at his face.
  • Every Pokémon in Tagg's team can use Protect.
  • Tagg is the only Trainer who owns or has owned a Dugtrio.
  • Tagg has a fear of Whitney's Miltank after having his whole team demolished by it.
  • Tagg appears to have a built in aversion to fame, partially due to not wanting to have a bullseye painted on his back for the numerous enemies he's made over the years.
  • Tagg once rented a place in Hoenn to stay during his teenage years, though he prefers his Secret Base.


Tangent - Tagg - Tracer - Silent

Other Researchers and Interns:

Anom - Jane - Every (PEFE) - Luke - Pentigan - Umbramatic - Gene - Jeff - Diane - Maggie - The Seven - Hikari - Jacob - Dr. al-Cygni - Professor Banana - Mendel - Echo

Non-Researcher Personnel:

Priscilla - Sterling - Sofia


Pokefutures Inc. - PEFE HQ - FutureOS - PEFEgon - PEFE Island - PEFEdex - PEFE Trackers - Gaim Rahm - Scythermen (Mia) - Dave

Tagg's Team
On Hand: Gras908Mini.pngKinsho0983Mini.pngNatron0934Mini.pngPelly941Mini.pngTercio128paMini.pngYagi964Mini.png
Reserve Team: Hitodama609HitodamaMini.pngAkiko468Mini.pngTendril465Mini.pngPugh853Mini.pngTyl334Mini.pngGinny078gMini.png
Team Nova: Thresher598Mini.pngDoc531Mini.pngCrochet542Mini.pngVictini494SMini.pngKodama709Mini.pngLimna257LimnaMini.png
Training Apart:Cam818Mini.pngCorvus823Mini.pngYew832Mini.pngDoppler826Mini.pngAnthracite839Mini.pngHendrix849aMini.png
Boxed/At PEFE HQ: Audilith526Mini.pngVenusaur003Mini.pngSentinel623Mini.png Musashi503Mini.pngVanilluxe (Hoarfrost)584Mini.pngAliroz553Mini.png
Hitmonchan 107Mini.pngPica248Mini.pngArtemia516Mini.pngDarner469Mini.pngAnguis497Mini.pngAzumarill184Mini.png
Omnipresent: Xatu178Mini.png
Inside his Laptop: Trojan137PEFEMini.png
AU: Chilliwack470Mini.pngGarchomp445Mini.pngForecaster351Mini.pngNudi423EMini.pngAudilith526Mini.pngVenusaur003Mini.png
Helios636Mini.png Rampardos409Mini.pngDugtrio051Mini.pngLapras131Mini.pngDitto132Mini.pngTrollfisk618Mini.png
Roc398Mini.pngThresher597Mini.pngDoc531Mini.pngLimna255LimnaMini.pngVanilluxe (Hoarfrost)584Mini.png Feraligatr160Mini.png
Gengar094Mini.pngRaichu026Mini.pngPidgeot018Mini.pngAlgira283Mini.png Golem076Mini.pngMachamp068Mini.png
Jumpluff189Mini.pngHitmonchan 107Mini.pngGaia389Mini.pngOvis179Mini.pngBaylene321Mini.pngAquarius730Mini.png
Other!Verse: Espio352Mini.pngSakura421Mini.pngSam340Mini.pngRoland463Mini.pngNudi423EMini.pngGaia389Mini.png
Vanilluxe (Hoarfrost)584Mini.pngAudilith526Mini.pngThroh538Mini.pngGarchomp445Mini.pngLuxray405Mini.pngAzumarill184Mini.png
Released: Lanturn 171Mini.png
Unknown: Pelipper 279Mini.png
Temporary: Greedy Golett622Mini.png☣♪☼•é793Mini.pngKorexis635Mini.png
Keeping in Custody: Arundi797Mini.png
As last seen in: Paldea